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WATCH: Former Police Officer Delivers Incredible Response To Black Lives Matter Protesters And “Virtue Signaling” White People

Brandon Tatum, an African-American former Tucson police officer, went viral on social media for delivering an incredible video response...

Brandon Tatum, an African-American former Tucson police officer, went viral on social media for delivering an incredible video response to the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and riots that have taken place since the death of George Floyd in police custody on Memorial Day.
“I’ve got a question for you protesters out there,” says Tatum at the beginning of the video.  “I’ve got a question for you SJWs out there. For all you people that are putting that little black box on your Instagram. I’ve got a question for you. What have you accomplished? What has been accomplished by your virtue signaling? What has been accomplished by all of your protesting and looting and vandalizing property? What have you accomplished?”
Tatum asked how it makes sense to protest the death of a Black man in one city by killing other Black people in riots across America.
“Somebody riddle me this. How in the world – how on God’s green earth are you protesting the death of one man, which leads to you destroying the lives of multiple other black people, multiple black businesses, destroying the economic success of multiple cities all around the country?”
Tatum then voiced his outrage over the murder of David Dorn, a 77-year-old retired African-American police captain who was shot and killed during Black Lives Matter riots this week in St. Louis.
“[A] former police officer, a 77-year-old man, retired captain of the police department, done spent 38 years of his life protecting a serving.  [He] showed up to a call for service because, you know, when you are a cop, and when you serve people that long, it ain’t just a job, it’s in your spirit.  [He] shows up to protect the pawnshop. Being a good samaritan, a good citizen, a good man, a good father, a good grandfather, a good leader in the community. And you show up because you want a TV. And you take that man’s life and y’all video recorded him losing his life. Nobody renders aid. And the man who did this probably ain’t never gonna get caught. Because y’all won’t even snitch. What have you accomplished? What have you accomplished? I’m not understanding the logic behind the way people act today in America.”
Tatum said that he’s “sick of black folks being so disingenuous” about their interactions with the police in order to get attention.
“Most black people do not have negative interactions with police officers. In 2019, there were 44 million black people in the United States of America.  9 African-Americans were shot who were unarmed,” claimed Tatum.
The former cop ended his video by slamming “virtue signaling” white liberals who push debunked conspiracy theories such as the racist idea of “white privilege.”
“White people. I need you to hear me real clearly. You better stop with all of that B.S. virtue signaling. You saying you have white privilege don’t make, somehow make me feel any better about how racist you are. The fact that you believe in white privilege shows me that you are cognitively dissonant from reality. You are telling black people when you say you have white privilege or acknowledging your white privilege or that you have a better life, that you are better than black people. That you’re going to go further in life than black people and that black people need you to somehow acknowledge and give them a handout so they can have a decent life. You’re not operating with common sense.”

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