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WHAT A JOKE: After Antifa and Black Lives Matter RIOT AND LOOT Across America — FBI Sends Out Memo Warning White Supremacists Pose Greatest Risk of Violence

Somehow the FBI missed last week — they must have slept through the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots. Hundreds of stores were loote...

Somehow the FBI missed last week — they must have slept through the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots.
Hundreds of stores were looted and destroyed in Minneapolis, Chicago and New York City.
St. Louis looked like a war zone.

Despite the mass looting and violence by the left Chris Wray’s FBI sent out a memo warning white supremacists pose the greatest risk of violence.
What a disgrace.
The New York Post reported:
White supremacists and racist domestic terrorists pose the largest threat of violence in the United States amid nationwide protests across the country, according to a new intelligence bulletin.
The bulletin — which was sent to local law enforcement by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center and reported by ABC News — warns of threats by left-wing and anarchist groups as well.
But it barely mentions Antifa as a potential violent group — though federal lawmakers have called for the loosely affiliated movement to be labeled a terror group amid nationwide protests against police brutality.
“We assess the greatest threat of lethal violence continues to emanate from lone offenders with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideologies and [domestic violent extremists] with personalized ideologies,” the bulletin states, according to ABC News.
Maybe it’s time to disband the FBI.
It’s become a joke.

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