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WOW! BLM Organizer Kicks Trump-Bashing Dem Mayor Jacob Frey Out Of Protest For Refusing To Say He’ll Get Rid Of Police: “Get the f**k out of here!” [Video]

The far-left Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is not a fan of President Trump. He’s also not known for having a backbone. During a rally tod...

The far-left Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is not a fan of President Trump. He’s also not known for having a backbone.
During a rally today in Minneapolis, an exchange between the spineless Democrat Mayor Jacob Frey, who was wearing a black face mask with the words, “I can’t breathe” printed on the front, and a woman who appeared to be a Black Lives Matter organizer was caught on tape. The video begins with the organizer giving Mayor Frey a chance to speak to the crowd at the protest.The woman, who appears to be in charge of the protest, places a microphone in front of Frey’s masked face, offering him the chance to explain his plan for fixing the issues with the Minneapolis police force.
Frey began by groveling to the crowd, acknowledging his white privilege, “I’ve been coming to grips with my own brokenness in this situation, my own failures, my own shortcomings, The systemic and racist system needs to be revamped. The police union needs to be put in its place,” Frey told the crowd.
“Jacob Frey, we have a yes or no question for you,” she tells him. “Yes, or no, will you commit to defunding Minneapolis Police Department?” she asks. “We don’t want no more police! Is that clear?” she asks. “We don’t want people with guns toting around our community, shooting us down,” she tells the crowd, even though the death of George Floyd had nothing to do with guns. “Is it a ‘yes’ or ‘no?'” she asked.
The woman with the microphone tells the crowd to be quiet, that she has an important question for Mayor Frey and that because he is up for re-election, “And if he says no, guess what the f*ck we gonna do next year?” she tells the crowd. 
“We don’t need no police,” the woman with the microphone shouts.
Mayor Frey, who was speaking clearly before, suddenly appears to be mumbling his response. The female organizer again, demands that he answer her question. Frey answers, by saying he doesn’t want to defund the Minneapolis Police Department.
The woman with the microphone quickly turns on the mayor, shouting, “Get the f*ck out of here!”
“Go home, Jacob, go home!” the crowd chants, as the deflated Democrat leaves the chanting crowd with his tail between his legs. The crowd continues to shame the mayor as they move away, allowing him to leave.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey showed up today at the protests. He was asked if he would commit to abolishing/defunding the police. Incredible to witness crowd hold him directly accountable. Man did a literal walk of shame.
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