Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who famously named his baby X Æ A-Xii, drew ire from his partner Grimes on Friday when he tweeted a not-so-LGBT frien...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who famously named his baby X Æ A-Xii, drew ire from his partner Grimes on Friday when he tweeted a not-so-LGBT friendly statement.
“Pronouns suck,” Musk tweeted with no follow-up or clarification. Shortly thereafter, Musk’s partner publicly scolded him for being hateful.
“I love you but please turn off ur phone or give me a dall [sic]. I cannot support hate. Please stop this. I know this isn’t your heart,” she tweeted in reply.
Keeping it real, Musk then followed up by saying, “Twitter sucks.”
Grimes, birth name Claire Boucher, deleted her tweet. Musk’s anti-pronoun tweet still remains as of this writing.
Though Musk said nothing regarding transgenderism, leftist trolls immediately lectured him against transphobia.
“Transgender rights are important in a free and equal society that cares about everyone—from the very rich like you to the most vulnerable like them. This shouldn’t be in dispute. But cancel culture does suck, which is why we should educate people not futilely try to destroy them,” tweeted Dr. Eugene Gu.
“So do people with immense fortunes, huge platforms, & incredible influence who use them to put pressure on a Gov to prematurely open his state & subject people to a deadly virus. Also, someone who messes w a ‘friend’ that is mentally ill. You’re being a terrible human right now,” tweeted Rachel “The Doc” Bitecofer.
“Pretty disgusting to see from you. What’s so hard about calling someone a pronoun? It literally does absolutely nothing to you to call them it and it’s what they like to be referred as so why not just do it? I genuinely don’t understand why you people don’t like them,” tweeted another user.
Musk’s inexplicable strike against pronouns comes just two months after he rocked the halls of the Twitterverse when he said “take the red pill” and “cancel cancel culture” with no further clarification.
Though it’s doubtful that Musk will ever be a friend to conservatives, it is fair to note that he has always marched to his own drumbeat and has never conformed to lockstep Silicon Valley leftism.
For instance, as billionaires like Bill Gates and others were actively pushing population control measures to help with climate change, typically in poor African countries, Musk went against the grain and said the world actually needs more people on the planet, not less.
“The world’s population is accelerating towards collapse, but few seem to notice or care,” he tweeted in 2017 in response to a New Scientist article about a “population bomb” going off in 2076.
“Real issue will [be] an aging & declining world population by 2050, *not* overpopulation,” he tweeted in 2019. “Demographics, stratified by age, will look like an upside down pyramid with many old people & fewer young.”
Prior to his infamous “red pill” tweet, Musk had been urging governors to reopen the economy and even went as far to call the lockdown orders “fascist.” On Friday, Musk also tweeted that he opposes another round of economic stimulus while expressing his support for Universal Basic Income (UBI).
“As a reminder, I’m in *favor* of universal basic income,” he tweeted. “Goal of government should be to maximize the happiness of the people. Giving each person money allows them to decide what meets their needs, rather than the blunt tool of legislation, which creates self-serving special interests.”
“Another government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people imo,” he continued. “These are jammed to gills with special interests earmarks. If we do a stimulus at all, it should just be direct payments to consumers.”