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Friday, February 28


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Trump Fans Will Rock D.C. Swamp With Huge “Trumptilla” On Potomac River Over Labor Day Weekend

The enthusiasm for the re-election of President Donald J. Trump is like nothing America has ever seen.  For months, cars, boats, and even ...

The enthusiasm for the re-election of President Donald J. Trump is like nothing America has ever seen.  For months, cars, boats, and even golf carts adorned with Trump flags and banners have been lining the streets, sidewalks, and waterways across America, as they proudly show their support for President Trump, the ultimate D.C. swamp drainer.
This Labor Day weekend, boats covered in Make America Great Again, and Keep America Great messages, will make their down the Potomac River, as part of the “National Capital Trumptilla” boat parade.

The Trumptilla event is being organized on Facebook.

Here are the details:

TIME: 1 PM – 5 PM
BOAT PARADE: Potomac River from Woodrow Wilson Bridge to Memorial Bridge
Gather along the shoreline to watch!
Let’s ALL join together for the Nation’s Capital Trumptilla Boat Parade to make it a HUGE and BEST EVER boat parade. Let’s show our support of President Trump, the Constitution, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Emergency Responders. Frontline Healthcare and Essential workers and let the voices of FREEDOM and LIBERTY to STRONGLY be heard in our Nation’s Capital!!!
If you have a boat, please join the boat parade! No boat no problem – Join and watch by land! Join along the shoreline and cheer the parade on. Come by car, muscle car, antique car, motorcycle, truck, or bike. Bring your lawn chairs, flags, signs, patriotic wear, and let’s do it right! Decorate in your RED, WHITE, & BLUE!
Please use your discretion in practicing social distancing and the use of masks.
Boats will meet at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge no-wake zone and travel the Potomac north to the Memorial Bridge. Boat communication will be conducted on Channel 78.
12:45 PM (Pre-parade)
– Boaters line up at Woodrow Wilson Bridge no-wake zone.
– Please make sure that you line up behind the Lead Boat. Boaters do your best to maintain “controlled chaos” to get into a parade formation.
1 PM (Boat parade kickoff)
– Trumptilla Boat Parade begins at the sound of the loud AIR Horn. Then follow each boat slowly (don’t be that boat passing other boats) to begin the Boat Parade. Please stay behind the Lead boat and 2 Chase boats.
– Slow-No-Wake 3mph-4mph max. Stay in a single wide line. NO PASSING please to help ensure safety. The Parade Route will head north on the Potomac River traveling up to Haines Point and back down and starboard up heading to the Memorial Bridge.
– Tune in Channel 69 for Parade Info and updates throughout the parade.
1:30 PM
LOUDEST Sound of Freedom (Boat and land)
All together honoring our Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Emergency Responders. Frontline Healthcare and Essential workers, Boaters & Land Rally attendees combined: Rev Your engines! Blow your horns! Let’s make some noise! Let’s show our Support and Thank them with the LOUDEST sound of good Ole’ American Freedom that USA has ever had.
3 PM (Boat parade ends)
Parade finishes at Memorial Bridge.
People gather with flags, signs and banners on land to watch the boat parade. Watchers bring blankets, chairs, food and drinks on the grass.
1 PM – 5 PM (Founder’s Park)
– MAGA/KAG Rally Party Kick-off location and Party.
– Founders Park is a peaceful riverside park that borders the Potomac River in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. It is located close to the shops and restaurants of King Street, the marina and the Torpedo Factory Art Center.
– This is a longer view of the river and has more grass area.
1 PM (Parade Watch locations)
Land Rally Watch gatherings at 3 different locations per details below:
• Waterfront Park, Alexandria (Kick-off location 2) -1A Prince St, Alexandria, VA 22314
– Close to a lot of amenities such as coffee shops, restaurants and stores.
• Navy Merchant Marine Memorial on the Potomac at Lady Bird Johnson Park (Pass-by location)
-can park at Columbia Marina and walk over.
• Memorial Bridge (End-of-Parade Location)
Bring your own chairs, blankets, snacks, drinks, etc.