Democrat Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris traveled to Orlando, Florida on Monday for a drive-in rally as Joe Biden hid in his basem...
Democrat Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris traveled to Orlando, Florida on Monday for a drive-in rally as Joe Biden hid in his basement.
Of course reporters didn’t ask her any questions about Hunter Biden’s laptop as she deplaned in Orlando.
Kamala held a drive-in rally and barely anyone showed up.
According to a local Orlando reporter, there were approximately 100 people at the rally.
It looks like there was more Trump supporters gathered outside of the venue honking horns and chanting “four more years!”
“Four more years!”
Kamala Harris’s speech in Orlando was cringeworthy.
She wore Converse tennis shoes and giggled like a school girl.
By the way, what is “healthcare justice” and “reproductive justice”?
Meanwhile, President Trump is holding 2 to 3 rallies a day with tens of thousands of supporters in attendance.