One thing that is always true of Democrat political leaders these days is that they always accuse the other side of what they themselves a...
One thing that is always true of Democrat political leaders these days is that they always accuse the other side of what they themselves are guilty of.
They just can’t help themselves. Case in point California Rep. Adam Schiff and his latest interview with CNN.
Schiff was asked about a Trump potentially pardoning Gen. Michael Flynn and Schiff responded by accusing the president of acting like an organized crime figure.
CNN host John Berman started the segment off by asking a completely loaded and biased question “As you know well, Michael Flynn pleaded guilty then tried to withdraw those guilty pleas. He cooperated with the Mueller investigation, then uncooperated. Now CNN is reporting that the president is considering pardoning him and soon, what message would that send?”
Schiff answered in his usual slimy and duplicitous way “Well, it would send a message that at least as far as President Trump is concerned, if you lie on his behalf, if you cover up for him, he will reward you, he will protect you, but only if he thinks it’s in his interest.”
“There are others that lied for him that he’s not going to extend that kind of service to,” Schiff added. “But it just frankly reflects so ill on our democracy, on the United States. Imagine what people around the world think when we have a president who’s acting like an organized crime figure.”
“But this is who Donald Trump is. It’s — it’s who he was on his way into the presidency, it will be exactly who he is on his last days of the presidency.”
Watch the entire segment via CNN if you have the stomach for it:
Schiff could be the poster child for gangster government and what is wrong with the government in this country.
He claims Trump acts like an organized crime boss while he himself acted like a tin pot wanna-be gangster during the entire impeachment sham.
Schiff is a lying weasel who in a sane world would never be allowed within 500 yards of the House of Representatives, except as a tourist.