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Wednesday, March 19


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‘The Smartest Man Alive’ Is Convinced the 2020 Election Was Stolen and Recommends Another Vote Free From Fraud

  The ‘world’s smartest man’ sees that the 2020 election clearly was full of fraud and he recommends the election be redone. As  100% Fed Up...


The ‘world’s smartest man’ sees that the 2020 election clearly was full of fraud and he recommends the election be redone.

As 100% Fed Up reported, Chris Langan is, arguably, the smartest man in the world.  His IQ is remarkably somewhere between 195-210, according to testing.  This is much higher than other popular intellectuals, like Stephen Hawking .  Yet, Chris is also quite shunned or ignored by the establishment.

The world’s smartest man, Chris Langan, sees the fraud in the 2020 election and he suggests we perform the election again, free from Dominion voting machines and other fraud.

Per a report from Ulysses S. Tennyson at  the smartest man in the world sees the results of the 2020 election clearly:

Chris Langan is, arguably, the smartest man in the world. His IQ is remarkably somewhere between 195-210, according to testing. This is much higher than other popular intellectuals, like Stephen Hawking . Yet, Chris is also quite shunned or ignored by the establishment.

Langan’s pinned tweet is a video showing the election was stolen:

Langan tweeted what we all are thinking – President Trump – kick these cheaters in their asses:

Of course Mitch McConnell is the worst as he is fighting against America and the President as well:

One of Langan’s most recent tweets is the most alarming:

Americans know and understand this 2020 election was stolen.  It was a fraudulent election and therefore unenforceable.  President Trump won this election in a landslide and it didn’t take the smartest man in the world to tell us this. We all know it.