Coincidences are fun, but a lot of times that's all they are, just coincidences lol Bonus fun fact: many countries that are rife with ...
Coincidences are fun, but a lot of times that's all they are, just coincidences lol
Bonus fun fact: many countries that are rife with corruption and bribery, have associations of dead people, where people who have been declared legally dead despite being still quite alive, are fighting to prove that they're still in fact alive. Sauce:
It also turns out that the team struck by lightning was wearing steel cleats, while the other wore a plastic synthetic cleats. So maybe god just hates steel cleats?
That's Sandi Toksvig from QI! She was fun to draw lol.
Tried a different art style / technique here.
It was surprisingly hard to draw this one. Futurama has a very distinctive art style, deceptively simple-looking.
Cycling: a super fun hobby, a pretty douchey sport IMHO.
Trolls gonna troll, I guess? The site doesn't exist anymore, BTW.
Damn I love drawing those stereotypical alien dudes.
Another really complicated looking one that took a while but was fun to draw. As an added bonus, one of the ICBMs look like the Earth is flipping you off. That was an accident but hey, if the shoe fits.
I love that this isn't even remotely the weirdest thing about the Glorious People's Republic of Best Korea.
See for yourself:
Obligatory Sam O'Nella vid about the many Popes Gone Wild through history:
I looked up Prof. Schmidt and sent him this strip. I don't know why. But he replied and said he loved it! And also said that he would rate the Kardashians at a 5.
Great Big Story did a thing on him:
I especially hate this statistic, coz you know the person that came up with it had to know enough about maths and statistics to know that it's bullshit. Also, why do people feel the need to explain to their bosses why they need a day off? You're entitled to it, just like you're entitled to your weekend. No need to give a long sob story about why you can't come in to work (unless it's really last-minute, which is different).
RIP. I love how funny he was.