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Wednesday, March 19


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WATCH: Fox News Anchor Shoves Trump Supporter Outside Washington Governor’s Mansion


A reporter said to work for Fox News shoved a Trump supporter during a verbal altercation outside the governor’s mansion in Olympia, Washington, on Wednesday.

It is unclear how the incident started, but the Trump supporter can be heard saying “you want to kick my ass” while pushing up close to the reporter.

The reporter did not receive a warm welcome at the protest when the crowd realized he was from Fox News.

During the verbal altercation, the reporter proceeds to shove the man before police come and intervene.

“Fox News anchor shoves a Trump supporter outside the gates of the governor’s mansion. He then gets shoved by other Trump supporters before being asked to leave,” Daily Beast reporter Shauna Sowersby tweeted.

On Tuesday, a Fox News reporter was chased away from the Stop the Steal protest in DC by a crowd chanting “Fox News sucks!”

The network has faced a severe ratings backlash for rushing to call the election for Joe Biden and turning on President Trump and his supporters.