On Tuesday morning MSNBC host Joe Scarborough made the weird claim that those opposed to vaccine passports, masks, social distancing, etc ...
On Tuesday morning MSNBC host Joe Scarborough made the weird claim that those opposed to vaccine passports, masks, social distancing, etc are not following Jesus. It’s an especially weird claim coming from a flaming leftist like Scarborough.
Watch as he selectively quotes from the Bible to try and make his absurd point:
SCARBOROUGH: “Yeah, the selfishness is incredible. The stupidity is incredible. They’ve actually — I mean, they’ve taken a country where we’ve had people throughout the generations, you know, fight for liberty and fight for freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to go to church if you want to or the synagogue you wanted to or the mosque or not to go at all, the freedom of assembly, all of these freedoms, these idiots are now saying, ‘I have the right to be stupid as hell.
I have the right to believe stupid-as-hell people on Facebook. I have the right to believe in conspiracy theories and make you and your family and everybody around you in danger, put you in danger.’ Okay, you do. You really do. So go ahead, like I said, go ahead, go live in your basement, all right?
But it’s not going to stop us. And if we didn’t have the guy that we had in the White House over the past four years, that number you’re seeing on your screen, according to people who worked for him and helped run his task force, that number on the screen would have been a lot lower.”
BRZEZINSKI: “Dramatically lower.”
SCARBOROUGH: “We would have saved more lives, most likely, than people who died in Vietnam. We would have saved more lives, most likely, than American soldiers who died in combat in World War I. We would have saved so many lives. But no, you had to be stupid. You had to believe the stupid guy. I don’t know — you really — I can’t help you, nobody can help you, right?
If you still believe in God, maybe get on your knees and pray and ask why it is that your thought system, that your belief system has been so corrupted that you follow QAnon, that you follow conspiracy theories, that you believe liars on Facebook instead of believing the truth.
Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth.’ When did that stop mattering to you? When did the truth stop mattering to you so much that you are willing to put other people’s lives at risk? Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his brother? You’re doing the opposite. You’re going out of your way to kill people. I just want to know why. Mika, I don’t understand why.”