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Wednesday, March 19


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San Diego Is Educating Illegal Migrant Children In-Person While American Students Are Forced to Stay Home

  A Fox News exclusive  report  finds San Diego Unified School District guilty of offering in-person education for illegal immigrants. At th...

 A Fox News exclusive report finds San Diego Unified School District guilty of offering in-person education for illegal immigrants. At the same time, their students sit at home and receive a subpar online education.

The report indicated that “SDUSD students are currently learning in an online-only format and are expected to move into a hybrid model on April 12, where they will be learning in a combination of in-person and online formats, according to the school district’s website.”

The district’s website says opening the schools – via a hybrid model so not 100% in person – is “exciting news” that  “takes into account an encouraging trend of lower Covid-19 case rates within San Diego County and a regional effort to make vaccines available to teachers.” The school district wants you to believe that the delay in school openings has to do with science and not their overlords at the state and national teacher’s unions.

County Supervisor Jim Desmond tweeted his shock at the decision to continue to delay in-person learning for San Diego students saying, “The San Diego County Board of Education will be sending teachers for in-person learning for the migrant children at the convention center. It’s great there’s in-person learning for them; I wish every child in San Diego County was allowed the same opportunity.”

Supervisor Desmond told Fox News, “We have 130,000 kids who haven’t been allowed in a classroom for over a year in the San Diego United School District. It’s great that there’s in-person learning for those unaccompanied minors from Central America, but I wish every child in San Diego Country was allowed the same opportunity for in-person teaching.”

San Diego School District parents are outraged that their children – whose parents are taxpayers and the only ones legally afforded the right to public education – would be kept out of the classroom under the guise that public health and safety warranted the harsh action.

That was until the final curtain fell on their facade of “listen to the science” when parents found out that migrant children would be taught in person in California holding facilities while San Diego residents continue to help their students log on to their virtual classroom.

Emily Diaz, an SDUSD parent, told Fox, “The system is broken when San Diego teachers are teaching migrant children in-person, but the 100k students of taxpaying families at San Diego Unified School District are stuck learning in Zoom school.”

“We agree that every child deserves an in-person education,” she added, “but why are taxpaying students put last? If this is a humanitarian issue, then who is rescuing San Diego Unified Students because our leaders have failed them.”

The San Diego County Office of Education released a statement to Fox:

“The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) is providing the educational program for the unaccompanied migrant children who will be staying at the San Diego Convention Center through July. All children in California, regardless of immigration status, have a constitutional right to education. We also have a moral obligation to ensure a bright future for our children.”

It is easier to get in-person learning for your children in California if you have them self-identify as illegal migrants.

That way, the San Diego School District will care about their moral obligation to give your child a proper education. In their eye, it’s morally repugnant to be forced to teach law-abiding taxpayer’s children.

It’s policies like this that saw historic numbers of Hispanics joining the Republican Party in 2020. They want the American dream. And I want that for them as long as they didn’t break the law to get it. Using children for political gain is evil. We’ve watched politicians do it for years, but the pandemic brought a monster out like nothing we have seen.

Parents know keeping our children locked on their computer screens isn’t the answer, but the Union controls whether your child gets the education you pay for, not you. They told us, “SCIENCE. LISTEN TO THE SCIENCE. Do you want dead teachers and children lying in the street? Are you suggesting learning to read is more important than a child’s life?”

Now we know, we listened to the science, and the science said that in-person learning for American students is not only safe, but it is recommended. The Unions, the liberal elitist school boards, didn’t listen to science; that’s why they believe it’s safe to teach migrant children in-person but not your children.