Watch as a wicked high school teacher in Virginia berates a student for not acknowledging race during a lecture: This exemplifies everythi...
Watch as a wicked high school teacher in Virginia berates a student for not acknowledging race during a lecture:
This exemplifies everything that is wrong with public education today. In fact sending kids to public schools could be child abuse at this point.
Read the entire exchange it is quite enlightening:
TEACHER: “The story behind this picture, I’d rather hold on to that- Just tell me — tell me what this seems to be a picture of.”
STUDENT: “It’s just two people chilling.”
TEACHER: “Right. Just two people? There’s nothing more to that picture?”
STUDENT: “No, not really. Just two people chilling.”
TEACHER: “I don’t believe that you believe that. I don’t believe that you look at this as just two people. I don’t think —“
STUDENT: “It truly is just two people though, is it not?”
TEACHER: “Yeah, but I think you’re being — I think you’re being — I think you’re being intentionally coy about what this is a picture of.”
STUDENT: “What am I being coy about? It’s two people standing back-to-back in the picture.”
TEACHER: “Yeah, and that’s all you see, is two people?”
STUDENT: “I — I’m confused on what you would like me to to speak on in that sense.”
TEACHER: “I don’t think you are. I don’t know why you do this. I’m not trying to call you out, but you can — you know, you come out off [inaudible] to talk about what this is a picture of, and you act as if as if, you know, there’s nothing noticeable about this apart from the fact that it’s two people.”
STUDENT: “Well, I’m confused, are you trying to get me to say that there are two different races in this picture?”
TEACHER: “Yes, I am asking you to say that.”
STUDENT: “Well, at the end of the day, wouldn’t that just be feeding into the problem of looking at race instead of just acknowledging them as two normal people?”
TEACHER: “No, it’s not, because you cannot look at — you can’t — you can’t look at the people and not acknowledge that there are racial differences, right?”
STUDENT: “But if we’re going for — let’s say if we’re looking for equality within all this. Then why would we need to point out things such as that ?”
TEACHER: “Because those things, those differences are real things.”