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Tuesday, March 18


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Breaking News:

MLB’s ‘TRUMP WON’ Flag Dropper BANNED From All Stadiums And Facilities – He’s NOT Done

  Major League Baseball’s ‘TRUMP WON’ Hero has officially been banned from the MLB. Dion Cini, the man behind the epic ‘Trump Won Save Ameri...


Major League Baseball’s ‘TRUMP WON’ Hero has officially been banned from the MLB.

Dion Cini, the man behind the epic ‘Trump Won Save America’ flag drops at multiple baseball stadiums shared the following letter from Major League Baseball.

Mr Cini,

During the course of the past several weeks, you entered Major League Baseball stadiums in New York, Boston and Philadelphia for the purpose of conducting “flag drops”.

This activity is prohibited at each of these stadiums, and your fan code of conduct violations resulted in your ejection from each of them.  A review of your public statements indicates that you intend to continue this behavior at other Major League Baseball stadiums, and that you are encouraging others to conduct themselves likewise.

 For these reasons, and effective immediately, you are hereby banned from all Major League Baseball stadiums and facilities, indefinitely.

Don Cini: Officially banned from the MLB. It was a good run! This letter is priceless. #TrumpWon #TrumpPride