Trump Republicans protested at the Michigan Republican Party’s headquarters in Lansing, Michigan back in May. They were upset that the Exe...
Trump Republicans protested at the Michigan Republican Party’s headquarters in Lansing, Michigan back in May. They were upset that the Executive Director of the State Party, Jason Roe, had made repeated dismissive and Never Trump statements to GOP groups. Candidates and activists wanted to get the attention of the new Party Chairman to fire Roe.
In May, Roe was at a Michigan political event where he got into arguments with several Republican activists and candidates for office about the Trump legacy and about allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
Roe told conservatives they were idiots for supporting Trump, idiots for believing in voter fraud, and that the only way forward was by supporting moderate Republican candidates such as the many he has worked for in the past, including moderate California Bush-ally James Rogan, who lost his re-election to notorious Adam Schiff.
Michigan Republicans fired former State Chair Laura Cox, who mismanaged the 2020 elections in the battleground state and also failed to do anything serious to protect the integrity of the vote. Activists were forced to show up and fight at the TCF Center in Detroit when the ongoing voter fraud became apparent, the Michigan Republican state party was largely absent.
Mellissa Carone, the Dominion whistleblower who came forward as a fearless champion against voter fraud and is now a candidate for office, was at the protest and demanded the Michigan Republican Party “clean house.”
“Jason Roe is not right for Michigan,” Carone said.
On Wednesday Jason Roe stepped down from the state party. reported:
A Michigan Republican Party leader who faced grassroots pushback after saying the 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen and blaming ex-President Donald Trump for the loss has resigned his position with the state party.
Jason Roe confirmed Wednesday he had stepped down as executive director of the state GOP, but declined to provide a specific reason for the decision.
“I resigned my position as executive director and the reasons will remain between me and Chairman Weiser,” Roe said in a statement to the Free Press, referring to Michigan GOP Party Chairman Ron Weiser.
“We’ve built an amazing team and I know they will be very successful in 2022. I look forward to helping however I can.”
Good riddance.