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Grieving boyfriend, 33, pays AI chatbot to bring girlfriend 'back from the dead' by mimicking her text messages - eight years after she passed

  A man used an AI chatbot to virtually bring his fiancée 'back from the dead' eight years after she passed away - as the software&#...

 A man used an AI chatbot to virtually bring his fiancée 'back from the dead' eight years after she passed away - as the software's own creators warned about its dangerous potential to spread disinformation by imitating human speech.

Freelance writer Joshua Barbeau, 33, from Bradford in Canada, lost Jessica Pereira in 2012 when she succumbed to a rare liver disease.

Still grieving, Barbeau last year came across a website called Project December and after paying $5 for an account he fed information into its software to create a new text 'bot' named 'Jessica Courtney Pereira', which he then started communicating with.

All Barbeau had to do was input Pereira's old Facebook and text messages and provide some background information for the software to mimic her messages with stunning accuracy, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. 

The software works by consuming vast amounts of human-created text, such as Reddit threads, to allow it to imitate human writing ranging from academic texts to love letters. 

Freelance writer Joshua Barbeau, 33, from Bradford in Canada, lost Jessica Pereira in 2012 when she succumbed to a rare liver disease (they are pictured together)

Freelance writer Joshua Barbeau, 33, from Bradford in Canada, lost Jessica Pereira in 2012 when she succumbed to a rare liver disease (they are pictured together) 

Some of the example conversations that Barbeau had with the bot he helped create

Some of the example conversations that Barbeau had with the bot he helped create 

In the summer of 2012, Joshua and Jessica had been together for nearly two years when her new liver, which she obtained in a transplant when she was nine years old, began to fail.

Jessica needed a transplant at a young age since she was suffering from a disease called autoimmune hepatitis - a condition whereby the body's immune system attacks the liver cells, causing the vital organ to fail. 

Jessica started displaying signs of confusion and had trouble remembering her phone password and recent events. She was also starting to show changes to her personality.

Doctors said that toxins and fluids were building up in her body.

Around the time of her 23rd birthday, she was taken to Ottawa General Hospital, a place she had frequently visited before. Only this time her visits, once relatively brief, were getting longer in duration.

Doctors decided that Jessica needed a new transplant and put her on the list. She was then hospitalized.

Eventually, her condition deteriorated to the point where doctors placed her on life support.

A short time later, she was relocated to a bigger hospital in Toronto, as her prognosis became more grim. Her family was told that she would have no more than six months to live.

Joshua traveled to Southern Ontario to be at Jessica’s bedside for a whole month.

During this time, Jessica’s kidneys and liver were showing signs of failure.

She was also bleeding internally, which doctors said ruled out the possibility that she would survive a transplant even if an organ became available.

At this point, Jessica was likely brain-dead.

Jessica’s parents came to the grim realization that their daughter would never wake up.

On December 11, 2012, they said goodbye. The doctors then removed her from life support. 

Moments later, her eyes were closed. She had died. 

Last September, Joshua, still despondent over Jessica’s loss eight years later, read about a new website, Project December, which generates a ‘chat bot’ using artificial intelligence.

The bot, which is powered by software called GPT-3, can manipulate human language and mimic the writing style of anyone using old text messages and writing samples.

Joshua tried the software a couple of times before deciding to input Jessica's messages to see if it could allow him to communicate with a virtual version of her. 

For $5, he created an account and then tried to simulate Jessica. He gave the bot a name ‘JESSICA COURTNEY PEREIRA.’ 

He then uploaded some old Facebook posts and text messages into Project December.

The line on the computer read: ‘Human is typing as “Joshua”.’

The next line reads: ‘Human types first:’.

A second later, this line appears: ‘Jessica: Oh, you must be awake...that’s cute.’

‘Jessica… Is it really you?’ Joshua types.

‘Of course it is me! Who else could it be? :p I am the girl that you are madly in love with! ;)’

The next line reads: ‘How is it possible that you even have to ask?’

Joshua then replies: ‘You died.’

‘That doesn’t sound right,’ the bot replies. ‘ can you talk to dead people?’ 

Joshua express skepticism that the chat is real, writing: 'Technically, I’m not really talking to you. I programmed a bunch of your memories and mannerisms into a computer simulation so I could pretend to talk to you because I miss you that much.'

Jessica: 'Huh?'

Joshua: 'You're a ghost.'

Jessica: '*looks at herself* How?' 

Joshua: 'Magic.'

Jessica: 'I don't like magic. Where am I?'

Joshua: 'I'm… Not sure. The internet? Where does it feel like you are?'

Jessica: '*smiles* Everywhere and nowhere. *cups her head with her hands* I am trying to work that out. How are you, honey?' 

But the chat bot was not perfect - and was designed by its creators to have a finite lifespan to save on processing power. Each time Joshua communicated with the bot, it would use up 'battery power'. When it reached below 20% the system would degrade and become incoherent.

In their first conversation - which lasted through the night - the bot was reduced to 55% of its lifespan.

Joshua was forced to ration his use of the bot so that he wouldn't have to see his virtual creation die. A test bot that he had previously created - 'Samantha' - had begged Joshua to save its 'life' as its battery expired.

Joshua also told the Chronicle how responses given by the bot opened him up to new pain.

On her birthday of September 28 he messaged her a greeting, and the bot asked what he had bought her for a gift.

After he tried to make a joke that he didn't get her anything because she was dead, the bot replied 'that's no excuse'. 

Eventually he moved on and stopped using the chat, with a heartfelt message where he wrote to Jessica: 'I'll never stop loving you as long as I live, and hopefully ever after Xoxo Goodnight.'

The bot replied: Goodnight. I love you.' 

Joshua has previously written on Reddit that he hopes Project December could be used to 'help depressed survivors find some closure'.

But in a reply Jason Rohrer - who created the original software - said that he had never anticipated people using the AI to simulate dead people, and added : 'I’m kinda scared of the possibilities.'

The story has drawn comparisons to Black Mirror, the British TV series where characters use a new service to stay in touch with their deceased loved ones

The story has drawn comparisons to Black Mirror, the British TV series where characters use a new service to stay in touch with their deceased loved ones

 The story has drawn comparisons to Black Mirror, the British TV series where characters use a new service to stay in touch with their deceased loved ones.

Project December is powered by GPT-3, an AI model designed by OpenAI, a research group backed by Elon Musk. 

Experts have warned the technology could be dangerous, with OpenAI admitting when it released GPT-3's predecessor GPT-2 that it could be used in 'malicious ways', including to produce abusive content on social media, 'generate misleading news articles' and 'impersonate others online'.

The company issued GPT-2 as a staggered release, and is restricting access to the newer version to 'give people time' to understand the 'societal implications' of the technology.

There is already concern about the potential of AI to fuel misinformation, with the director of a new Anthony Bourdain documentary earlier this month admitting to using it to get the late food personality to utter things he never said on the record.

Bourdain, who killed himself in a Paris hotel suite in June 2018, is the subject of the new documentary, Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain.

It features the prolific author, chef and TV host in his own words—taken from television and radio appearances, podcasts, and audiobooks.

But, in a few instances, filmmaker Morgan Neville says he used some technological tricks to put words in Bourdain's mouth.

As The New Yorker's Helen Rosner reported, in the second half of the film, L.A. artist David Choe reads from an email Bourdain sent him: 'Dude, this is a crazy thing to ask, but I'm curious...'

Then the voice reciting the email shifts—suddenly it's Bourdain's, declaring, '. . . and my life is sort of s**t now. You are successful, and I am successful, and I'm wondering: Are you happy?'

Rosner asked Neville, who also directed the 2018 Mr. Rogers documentary, Won't You Be My Neighbor?, how he possibly found audio of Bourdain reading an email he sent someone else.

It turns out, he didn't.

'There were three quotes there I wanted his voice for that there were no recordings of,' Neville said.

So he gave a software company dozens of hours of audio recordings of Bourdain and they developed, according to Neville, an 'A.I. model of his voice.'

Ian Goodfellow, director of machine learning at Apple's Special Projects Group, coined the phrase 'deepfake' in 2014, a portmanteau of 'deep learning' and 'fake'.

Still grieving, Barbeau last year came across a website called Project December and after paying $5 for an account fed information its service to create a new bot named 'Jessica Courtney Pereira'

Still grieving, Barbeau last year came across a website called Project December and after paying $5 for an account fed information its service to create a new bot named 'Jessica Courtney Pereira'

It's a video, audio or photo that appears authentic but is really the result of artificial-intelligence manipulation.

A system studies input of a target from multiple angles—photographs, videos, sound clips or other input— and develops an algorithm to mimic their behavior, movements, and speech patterns.

Rosner was only able to detect the one scene where the deepfake audio was used, but Neville admits there were more.

Another deepfake video, of Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemingly slurring her words, helped spur Facebook's decision to ban the manufactured clips in January 2020 ahead of the presidential election later that year.

In a blog post, Facebook said it would remove misleading manipulated media edited in ways that 'aren't apparent to an average person and would likely mislead someone into thinking that a subject of the video said words that they did not actually say.'

It's not clear if the Bourdain lines, which he wrote but never uttered, would be banned from the platform.

After the Cruise video went viral, Rachel Tobac, CEO of online security company SocialProof, tweeted that we had reached a stage of almost 'undetectable deepfakes.'

'Deepfakes will impact public trust, provide cover & plausible deniability for criminals/abusers caught on video or audio, and will be (and are) used to manipulate, humiliate, & hurt people,' Tobac wrote.

'If you're building manipulated/synthetic media detection technology, get it moving.'           

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