MSNBC reporter and stand-in host Garrett Haake corrected Cramer before ending the interview. "I'm not sure who is telling you ...

MSNBC reporter and stand-in host Garrett Haake corrected Cramer before ending the interview.
"I'm not sure who is telling you that you can't pray for people's health in church," Haake said. "You're welcome to pray for mine, I will pray for yours. Thank you for coming on. I am going to ask a doctor on the panel later about questions about the vaccine. For folks that might be curious about that portion of the hesitancy question, we'll come back to it later. Thank you for raising it. We'll ask the professionals."
"We'll ask the professionals" ... that's coded host speech from Haake to the audience (and Cramer) which basically says "Cramer was talking through his arse and is as pig ignorant as Marj Taylor-Greene is about HIPAA ...