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Friday, March 21


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Video: San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir Promises to Convert Your Children in Poor Attempt at Humor

  The San Franciso Gay Men’s Choir cut a video for Pride Month promising to convert your children quietly and subtly. This was a poor attemp...


The San Franciso Gay Men’s Choir cut a video for Pride Month promising to convert your children quietly and subtly.
This was a poor attempt at humor that drips with the venom of angry gays who have not resolved their childhood trauma.

This is typical leftist humor that their angry believers think is edgy or funny when it’s really just venomous and mean.

They certainly won’t change any hearts and minds but don’t ridicule them or you may be canceled.

The video reminds you of the very real indoctrination the Marxists spew at our children in America’s classrooms.

Mean and stupid.