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Tuesday, March 18


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Glenn Beck claims US State Dept. and Biden's White House are BLOCKING his efforts to rescue Afghan Christians from the Taliban who 'want to set them on fire'

  Conservative commentator Glenn Beck has claimed the US State Department is blocking his efforts to rescue Afghan Christians from the threa...

 Conservative commentator Glenn Beck has claimed the US State Department is blocking his efforts to rescue Afghan Christians from the threat of being 'burned alive or crucified' by the Taliban.

Beck said in an interview with Fox News on Thursday that the organization he supports, the Nazarene Fund, has flown 5,100 Christians and other refugees out of Afghanistan since it fell to the Taliban earlier this month. 

But he claimed that on Thursday morning, shortly before the deadly bombing outside the Kabul airport, the group had 500 Afghan Christians inside the airport ready to depart, only to have them ordered back outside the gates by officials.

Beck said that he feared members of that group were among the scores killed in the suicide bomb attack that ripped through the crowd just outside one of the airport gates. 

'We believe that our State Department is directly responsible for what we believe were some of these people,' Beck told Fox News, 'I don't know how many survived.'

'The State Department has blocked us every step of the way,' he continued. 

'The State Department and the White House have been the biggest problem,' he said, even as other countries tried to coordinate on the efforts. 

The number of Christians in Afghanistan is thought to be below 20,000, perhaps as low as 1,000, but is difficult to gauge because many practice their faith underground for fear of retribution. 

Proselytizing and conversion from Islam were already effectively banned in Afghanistan under the Western-backed national government, and the return of the Taliban brings the threat of more harsh treatment.  

In an interview with FOX News host Tucker Carlson, radio host Glenn Beck said the State Department has been blocking his efforts to free Christian Afghans, who could face persecution under the Taliban

In an interview with FOX News host Tucker Carlson, radio host Glenn Beck said the State Department has been blocking his efforts to free Christian Afghans, who could face persecution under the Taliban

Beck said that his group has helped evacuate 5,100 Afghan Christians such as the group above, but blamed the State Department for 'blocking' the effort at every turn

Beck said that his group has helped evacuate 5,100 Afghan Christians such as the group above, but blamed the State Department for 'blocking' the effort at every turn

Beck said he feared that some Christians his group was trying to help were killed after being ordered to leave the Kabul airport. Above, clothes and blood stains of Afghan people who were waiting to be evacuated are seen at the site of the August 26 twin suicide bombs

Beck said he feared that some Christians his group was trying to help were killed after being ordered to leave the Kabul airport. Above, clothes and blood stains of Afghan people who were waiting to be evacuated are seen at the site of the August 26 twin suicide bombs

Beck told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he is currently in a Muslim Middle Eastern country, but refused to name the country or two others he says have accepted his refugees, over fears the US State Department will hobble his rescue operation.  

Beck also said Islamic countries - which he refused to name over fears of US government meddling - had been far more welcoming to the people he'd saved than America. 

He said: 'I mean, it's really interesting. We have open borders and closed airports. One group of people are exploited, raped, and killed by drug cartels and the other group of people are raped, exploited or crucified by terrorists. It seems to be a pattern with the Biden administration.'  

'In fact,' he said, 'an ambassador was called in Macedonia last night and told not to accept any of these people as we were trying to get them off of the tarmac here to keep the airport flowing and getting these Christians out.'

Beck's organization, the Nazarene Fund, has helped pull 5,100 Christians and families that could be persecuted from the country in the last several days

Beck's organization, the Nazarene Fund, has helped pull 5,100 Christians and families that could be persecuted from the country in the last several days

Beck has raised nearly $30 million for the group, which has funded the escape effort

Beck has raised nearly $30 million for the group, which has funded the escape effort

'We haven't really been able to move anybody for about 12 hours,' he said Thursday night, adding: 'Our mission is now changing greatly.'

'We have to send people into even greater danger to try to smuggle these Christians out who are marked not just for death, but to be set on fire alive because they are converted Christians.'

His organization is now working to set up refugee camps in two other countries, he said, but he did not want to name them 'because I'm afraid our state department will call them and threaten them.'

'It's really really interesting,' Beck then mused. 'We have open borders and closed airports. One group of people are exploited, raped, and killed by drug cartels and the other group of people are raped, exploited or crucified by terrorists.

'It seems to be a pattern with the Biden administration.'

Carlson asked: 'So it's Islamic countries, Muslim countries, that are more willing to accept Christian immigrant from Afghanistan than our State Department?'

Beck answered: 'This country that I'm in, I begged them last night to let me tell them -- tell the world who they are. They have more compassion for these Christians than our American government. It is insulting, embarrassing, and wrong. 

'So I believe what our government is doing now is out and out evil.'  

He raised nearly $30 million to get the Christians out of the country, but has since expanded his efforts to include others who could be persecuted under Taliban rule

He raised nearly $30 million to get the Christians out of the country, but has since expanded his efforts to include others who could be persecuted under Taliban rule

Beck has raised nearly $30 million to get Christians out of the country, according to Christian Today. Some of that money, he said included a loan he signed for personally and a 'significant' donation from TV host Bill O'Reilly.

He said the initiative was intended to free Christians, who could be 'summarily executed' just for having a Bible app on their phone, but has since expanded to include others as thousands of Afghans wait to be rescued from the country.

'At this point, it's like, if you're a Christian, if you're a female judge – I don't care, get on the plane,' he said in one of his daily updates on his efforts on Tuesday.

By Thursday, he said in a post on his Instagram, he had saved more than 5,000 people from prosecution, posting a photo of 'one of the last planes to leave Kabul before the bombings' that was 'full of women, children and families.'

'We will not forget those left behind,' he wrote, noting: 'Our mission there gets tougher and more dangerous.'

'We also still have more work to do as now we have 5,100 refugees sitting in another country wondering who will claim them. 

'Sadly, but certainly, not America,' he wrote, claiming President Joe Biden 'will only take people the cartels will charge, exploit and rape, certainly not those other people that are marked for death due to his policies.'

'These refugees are Good and faithful servants that make me embarrassed to call myself Christian,' Beck said. 

In an update on his Instagram Thursday, he said it has become more difficult for the organization to rescue those in need in recent days

In an update on his Instagram Thursday, he said it has become more difficult for the organization to rescue those in need in recent days

It is unclear how many Christian Afghans and other minority members are still left in the country, although in 2013, the State Department estimated there were roughly 2,000 to 3,000 Christians living in Afghanistan, according to the University of Notre Dame. 

On the international front, though, Beck has said he has received 'an amazing outpouring of countries that will take Christians,' including Zimbabwe, which, he said, 'is struggling itself.'

'The spiritual warfare going on right now. Everything has been a battle,' he said, according to CBN News. 'It’s a battle of good vs. evil.'

Beck added that he will not leave anyone behind 'ever, ever, ever,' even as the Taliban's August 31 deadline for evacuations near.

'Call your senator, call your congressman. Tell them to put the heat on the State Department,' he told his viewers. 'This is an abomination on what is happening.'