A US Army Lieutenant Colonel has resigned and given up his pension after more than 19 years of service because he refuses President Joe ...
A US Army Lieutenant Colonel has resigned and given up his pension after more than 19 years of service because he refuses President Joe Biden's 'unethical, immoral and tyrannical' vaccine mandate.
Lt Col Paul Douglas Hague's resignation letter has been shared nearly 10,000 times since his wife tweeted the memo and announced the Army vet is 'walking away from all he's worked for and believed in since he was an ROTC kid'.
In the letter - which he wrote on August 23, the day after the Pentagon announced all active military were to get vaccinated immediately - Hague said he refused to 'sit still and allow a serum to be injected into my flesh against my will and better judgement'.

Lt Col Paul Douglas Hague (pictured) has resigned and given up his pension after more than 19 years of service because he refuses President Joe Biden's 'unethical, immoral and tyrannical' vaccine mandate

Hague (pictured left with his wife), who is stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, listed many other reasons for his resignation, including 'an ideologically Marxist takeover of the military and United States government' and a 'complete lack of confidence in the presidential administration'
He wrote: 'It is impossible for this so-called "vaccine" to have been studied adequately to determine the long term effects.
'It simply has not existed for enough time and any claim otherwise is blatantly ignorant and likely an outright lie driven by negligent political agenda.'
Aside from the vaccine mandate Hague, who is stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, listed many other reasons for his resignation, including 'an ideologically Marxist takeover of the military and United States government' and a 'complete lack of confidence in the presidential administration'.
'We are watching the fall of liberty at this moment,' he penned.

Lt Col Paul Douglas Hague's resignation letter has been shared nearly 10,000 times since his wife tweeted the memo and announced the Army vet is 'walking away from all he's worked for and believed in since he was an ROTC kid'
The father of seven went on to blame the Biden administration for the suicide bombings that took place in Kabul and resulted in the death of 13 service members, saying the president also 'undoubtedly set our nation up for many more attacks both in Afghanistan and within our own borders'.
'I cannot and will not contribute to the fall of this great nation and its people,' Hague wrote, adding that he will 'continue (to) uphold the constitution of the United States' but can no longer do it while serving in the military as he believes 'the military is currently being used to the contrary'.
As a result of his resignation Hague has also forfeited his ability to retire with a pension.
He noted that while he 'would like nothing more than to continue in the Army to reach my 20 years of active federal service and retire with my pension... I instead will join those who have served before me in pledging... to continue resisting the eternal and ever-mutable forms of oppression and tyranny'.
Hague's wife Katie Phipps Hague told Fox News that her husband submitted the letter on August 30 and it has since been 'sent up his chain of command' and appears to be 'going smoothly'.

Marine Corp Lt Col Stuart Steller said in a widely shared video that military leaders need to take accountability for botched, fatal evacuation out of Afghanistan
Critics on social media tried to debunk the memo, pointing out that it was dated August 23 and referenced the Kabul attacks even though they happened three days later.
According to Fox, Katie said Hague began drafting the letter on August 23, revised it multiple times and never updated the date before he submitted it a week later on August 30.
Other commenters were skeptical, saying Hague had to receive a slew of other vaccines before serving in the military.
Her response, as reported by Fox: 'He didn't resign over a vaccine. He said he felt the vaccine was being used as a political tool to divide and segregate Americans.
'He then went on to list many other reasons for his resignation – none of which have anything to do with vaccines.'

The follow-up post to the video where Scheller said he was relived of his duty

Scheller was relieved of his duties as a battalion commander after a stellar 17-year career. 'I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders, "I demand accountability,"' he said
Hague is not the only military member to leave his position in light of the Biden administration's vaccine mandate and hasty exit from Kabul.
Last month active duty Marine Lt Col Stuart Scheller was relieved of his duty after publicly calling out senior leaders in a widely shared video.
In the post he demanded leadership to take accountability for the deadly disaster in Afghanistan and slammed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Mark Milley and others for not 'raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, "We messed this up."'
'The reason people are so upset on social media right now is not because the Marine on the battlefield let someone down,' Scheller said in a nearly five-minute video posted on Facebook and LinkedIn.