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Friday, March 14


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Breaking News:

Italians Protesting COVID Mandate in Trieste Chant “Vigano, Vigano, Vigano” After Catholic Arch-Bishop Carlo Maria Vigano Offered Them Support

  Protesters of Italy’s COVID mandate in Trieste listened to a message from Arch Bishop Vigano during their protest.  After his message, the...


Protesters of Italy’s COVID mandate in Trieste listened to a message from Arch Bishop Vigano during their protest.  After his message, the people began to chant “Vigano, Vigano, Vigano!”

We’ve heard from Catholic Arch Bishop Vigano before.  He warned the world after the 2020 Election of the forces of evil.

Arch Bishop Vigano recently warned of the evil behind the COVID viruses.

Yesterday the Arch Bishop sent words of encouragement to those in Trieste, Italy protesting Italy’s COVID mandates.  The government in Italy mandated that all workers be vaccinated.   The unvaccinated are ineligible for work.  Italians across the country find this an infringement of their God-given rights.

Arch Bishop Vigano backs the protesters in Trieste.  The protesters cheered his name after hearing his remarks.

The translation of the below tweet is as follows:

Puzzer returned to speak to communicate a message from Mgr. Viganò for the square of Trieste. I think it’s the last video I can shoot because honestly the atmosphere around here is too overwhelming on an emotional level. I enjoy this magnificent, unrepeatable square.

The people of Italy are against evil.  They have friends in Arch Bishop Vigano and America.