In a video leaked by a whistleblower within the New York City Police Department, NYPD Commissioner Dermont Shea urges police officers to t...
In a video leaked by a whistleblower within the New York City Police Department, NYPD Commissioner Dermont Shea urges police officers to take the $500 bonus and comply with the mayor’s vaccine mandate by Friday’s deadline or else be placed on unpaid leave on Monday when the city’s verification of vaccine status ramps up.
“We’re at the end of the wire here. It is now Wednesday morning. By Friday you’re supposed to be vaccinated,” the top cop warns in an internal video memo circulated among NYPD staff on Wednesday.
New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio initially attempted to bribe the public into getting the jab by offering freebies — teaming up with fast-food chains like Shake Shack to offer free burgers to the public in exchange of getting vaccinated.
In September, the Democrat Mayor coaxed city workers coaxed into getting the first vaccine with an offer $100 bonus. Unable to coerce one hundred percent of the workers into compliance, many opted to take a Covid test weekly instead of getting the jab, prompting the mayor to up the vaccine reward money to $500 ahead of the Nov 1. deadline.
Police officers who have yet to comply with the vaccine mandate are still eligible for a $500 bonus incentive if they follow the mayor’s before Friday, Shea assured.
“What does it mean if you haven’t been vaccinated? Well, what it means is starting on Monday you will be put in a no-pay status. I know there’s a lot of questions about this. I wish I had all the answers. I don’t at this point in time. Some of this is still being worked out with City Hall and collective bargaining and unions and things of that nature,” he said. “You have to be vaccinated by Friday. In fact, they’re still doing this $500 if you get vaccinated between Oct. 20 and Oct. 29 and that’s Friday’s date.”
Those who refuse to get the vaccine by Monday can kiss their jobs goodbye, the commissioner continued.
“On Monday when this thing really starts being enforced, we’re going to check your vaccination status and if you’re not vaccinated, no pay, and you’re gonna be not able to work,” he said.
The prospect of no pay will force workers to comply, boasted De Blasio boasted on Thursday.
“We expected that a lot of the vaccinations would happen toward the end of the deadline,” the Democrat mayor said. “We also know a lot of people make the decision once they really realize that they’re not going to get paid. That’s just the human reality.”
On Tuesday, approximately 73 percent of the department’s workforce, which includes nearly 35,000 uniformed officers and just under 18,000 civilian employees, had been vaccinated, the New York Post reports.
While hundreds more lined up to get the jab before Friday, the vaccine mandate is resulting in a slew of NYPD retirements. The dwindling police force will further hinder the department’s ability to keep the Big Apple safe.
Liberal pushes to “defund the police” have led to soaring crime rates in the city. In July, De Blasio backed a city council vote to slash the police budget by $1 billion, prompting crime to spike, lagging police response times and more than 5,300 uniformed officers to retire — a 75 percent increase in resignations from the year before.