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Sunday, March 23


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Breaking News:

WALLS ARE GOOD NOW: Your Tax Dollars Are Paying For A ‘Security Fence’ Around Biden’s Beach Home

  One of the first things Joe Biden did after taking office was to shut down construction of the border wall. Democrats think walls are raci...

 One of the first things Joe Biden did after taking office was to shut down construction of the border wall. Democrats think walls are racist. Unless of course, the walls are around their homes.

Joe Biden’s beach house in Delaware is currently getting a ‘security fence’ built around it and we’re all paying for it.

Walls for me but not for thee.

The New York Post reports:

DHS pays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home

Build that wall!

The southern border with Mexico is seeing the highest levels of illegal border crossings in 35 years, but the Department of Homeland Security has found one access point it can shore up — doling out $455,000 to a Delaware construction company for a fence around President Biden’s “Summer White House.”

In September, the department awarded a contract of $456,548 to Turnstone Holdings LLC for “PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF SECURITY FENCING AT 32 FARVIEW, REHOBOTH DELAWARE,” according to, an online database tracking federal government spending.

The contract started Sept. 21 and is expected to end Dec. 31. Construction of the fence is expected to end by that date.

The DHS is listed as the main awarding and funding office of the contract while the US Secret Service is listed as the subagency. Additional information and details about the fence have not been publicly released.

For security reasons, the Secret Service declined to discuss their “protective means and methods” with The Post when asked for comment.

Just unbelievable.

It’s beyond hypocrisy. Biden doesn’t care who knows this.