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Thursday, March 27


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BEDTIME FOR BIDEN! Sleepy Joe Appears To Be Taking A Nap During First Speakers At COP26...Aid Appears To Wake Him From Embarrassing Slumber [VIDEO]

  Poor Joe…the international travel is taking a toll on the aging politician who struggles to stay awake when he isn’t in front of a telepro...

 Poor Joe…the international travel is taking a toll on the aging politician who struggles to stay awake when he isn’t in front of a teleprompter.

Americans mocked Joe Biden on social media for appearing to fall asleep during a meeting in August with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called for the incompetent leader’s impeachment:

Today, shortly after the start of the hypocritical climate change summit [COP26] in Glasgow, Joe Biden appeared to be caught taking a nap. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has been watching the deterioration of the low-energy, lifetime politician since he emerged from his basement in early January to officially become installed as the number one vote-getter for president in the history of the United States.

Joe appears to be asleep for several seconds in the video below:

Fortunately for Joe, and for America, an aide appears to come to his rescue and save America from another humiliating international incident.

Where’s nurse Jill when America needs her???

Daily Mail – Biden then sat forward and rubbed his eyes as Italy’s prime minister took the stage.

Later on, Biden himself took the stage to deliver his own warning on the impending doom of climate change.

‘Climate change is already ravaging the world,’ he told a crowd at the United Nations climate summit. ‘It’s not hypothetical.’

The president called climate change ‘the existential threat to human existence as we know it.’

The installed president took a swing at Trump for his refusal to participate in the globalist scam to extract money from American taxpayers while the countries that spew the most greenhouse gases have little to no skin in the game. “I shouldn’t apologize but I do apologize,” the half-witted leader told the globalist cabal.