Federal and state health officials tell us emphatically that everyone must have COVID shots for the safety of everyone. However, no one ha...
Federal and state health officials tell us emphatically that everyone must have COVID shots for the safety of everyone. However, no one has proved that necessity. If there were qualified people with no motive for financial gain or the stroking of egos taking that position, those health officials would have more credibility. Additionally, they would be declaring hundreds of private physicians wrong.
(Article by Don Boys republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
I seem to remember something about “first do no harm.” Moreover, the common, safe, inexpensive treatment for COVID is saving lives, not causing harm. Political physicians muddy the water by saying people have died from an overdose of one of the therapeutic COVID treatments; however, people have also overdosed on water, aspirin, Tylenol, etc.
Furthermore, one of the conditions for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is there must be no approved therapeutic available for the disease. Ahh, so there is the rub because hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin are now available and saving COVID sufferers as they have been used for decades to cure other diseases. However, by using the available, inexpensive, already approved drug that works well for COVID-19 would make the EUA vaccines illegal (as well as being harmful).
Can’t have that. Gotta sell vaccines and save reputations.
Many famous medical experts tell us that the COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary since long-time common drugs are very effective for those infected with the Chinese Communist coronavirus. Wait a minute; does that mean millions of people have died unnecessarily? And millions more did not have to spend weeks and months hospitalized, suffering enormous pain and disability?
Well, hundreds of private physicians say yes while political physicians say no. It should be remembered the private physicians have treated hundreds of COVID patients successfully with common drugs, and government health officials have treated none.
America’s Frontline Doctors allege in their suit against the state of Alabama, “The Vaccine manufacturers could not obtain the Emergency Use Authorization for a COVID-19 vaccine if there was an effective alternative treatment. So, they had to rig false studies to purport that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was not an effective alternative treatment.”
HCQ has been used millions of times in America since 1934 with no serious problems; however, it is now a generic drug, so there is little money for Big Pharma. But there is gold and glory in experimental COVID-19 vaccines.
In a revolting turn of events, the two most prestigious medical journals—Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine—were forced to retract fabricated articles, meaning they were fake, false, and even fraudulent. The two articles were written using the same Surgisphere information to prove how dangerous hydroxychloroquine is—not for malaria, lupus, or arthritis but for COVID! Wow, that’s big news and shows how dishonest, desperate, or depraved some medical officials are.
The articles were not retracted for a few mistakes but for being totally wrong: a hit piece valued by the pharmaceutical companies. The Guardian exposed the hoax with a heading: “Surgisphere: governments and WHO changed Covid-19 policy based on suspect data from tiny US company.”
The Guardian’s lead paragraph was stunning: “The World Health Organization and a number of national governments have changed their Covid-19 policies and treatments on the basis of flawed data from a little-known US healthcare analytics company, also calling into question the integrity of key studies published in some of the world’s most prestigious medical journals.”
The devastating article revealed that the tiny Surgisphere company had a science fiction writer (not a scientist) and an adult model on staff. The study allegedly included data from more than a thousand hospitals as a basis for the non-study.
Both magazines played cute with their retraction making excuses for their complicity without revealing the fraud. The magazines wrote of not verifying some of the material. However, that was an obvious ploy. They published the original study because it was in the best interest of Big Pharma to denounce, denigrate, and destroy HCQ as a quick, easy, inexpensive treatment for COVID-19.
The political physicians charged failure in HCQ trials to derail, distort, and destroy any evidence to support the validity of inexpensive, effective home treatments. One study, designed to fail, gave lethal amounts of HCQ to study participants, reported the deaths and hid their clandestine deceit to rig the study. Sounds like premeditated murder to me.
Many physicians (some famous), have used this drug successfully with hundreds of COVID-19 patients without losing a single patient!