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Saturday, March 15


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Breaking News:

NBC Reporter Contacts Secret Service Over Offensive “Let’s Go Brandon” Printed on Guns

  “Let’s Go Brandon”, a phrase emerging from a   news reporter’s desperate attempt   to cover up a crowd behind her chanting “F*** Joe Biden...

 “Let’s Go Brandon”, a phrase emerging from a news reporter’s desperate attempt to cover up a crowd behind her chanting “F*** Joe Biden”, has exploded in popularity, making its way onto shirts, into major sports events, and now even onto guns and ammo.

Ken Dilanian, an NBC national security correspondent, Tweeted that he contacted Secret Service after seeing “Let’s Go Brandon” printed on guns, and F*** Joe Biden stickers over their “safe”, “fire”, and “full-auto” modes. Apparently, the Secret Service made no comment on the matter. The Liberal news media, however, has gone into a frenzy over how offensive and shocking they find this trend.

Throughout the Trump presidency, “F*** Donald Trump” was thrown around all over social media, news outlets, and daily life. Now that the Right has come up with a less explicit way of saying the equivalent, the Left is all up in arms about the vulgar ways the opposition is talking about their President.

When Trump was in office, there was an unprecedented amount of disrespect for him, but now that their candidate is in office, the Left is complaining that the critiques of Biden are “much more vulgar and widespread“. The same Washington Post article that shared these sentiments also stated that “the anger also demonstrates how a political party or cause often needs an enemy, a target of vilification that can unite its adherents — and, in this case, one refracted through the harshness, norm-breaking and vulgarity of the Trump era.”

Let’s not forget Kathy Griffin’s photoshoot of herself holding a bloody Trump head, which she did apologize for… only to repost it a few years later. While some claim she was “canceled” for this, there was still a significant amount of support for her (she still has 2 million followers on Twitter). Some even lauded her as a “true patriot” and praised her bravery and justified the message she was sending. Not surprisingly, this direct representation of a death wish on the President of the United States was not received by the Liberal media with even a fraction of the distress that they have exhibited from this “Let’s Go Brandon” meme.

Liberals must have already forgotten about the equally, if not more, explicit insults hurled at Trump. This is just another instance of the Left’s infamously hypocritical nature and their innate tendency to play the victim.