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Saturday, March 22


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EXCLUSIVE: Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn’t Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)

  Raffensperger and Team Just Blinked Material information for this article provided by Kevin Moncla Ten days ago  we reported that Georgia ...


Raffensperger and Team Just Blinked

Material information for this article provided by Kevin Moncla

Ten days ago  we reported that Georgia Governor Kemp agreed with a report from a Georgia citizen where he had identified 36 issues in Fulton County’s 2020 Election results posted on the Georgia Secretary of State’s (SOS’s) website.

Unable to dispute the facts surrounding the errors posted on the SOS’s website for the Fulton County Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) Report (hand audit noted in article above), Raffensperger and team resorted to intimidation tactics.

As you may recall Joseph Rossi and Attorney Jack James, presented 36 errors posted on the SOS’s website for the Fulton RLA report to Governor Kemp’s team.  Subsequently, the Governor’s team, after an extensive investigation of their own, verified the data presented as “factual,” and recently called upon the State Elections Board (SEB) to open an investigation “swiftly,” into this grave matter.

We spoke with Mr. Rossi, and during our interview, he told us that on Friday, December 3rd, [the same day we posted the article above at The Gateway Pundit] the Attorney General’s office called Attorney Jack James.  The sole purpose of the call was to convince Mr. James (and also Mr. Rossi), that the SOS is not responsible for the errored data posted on his website.  Mr. James, being an experienced litigator, failed to succumb to the pressure.

In a summary note of the call, Mr. James wrote, “The purpose of her call was apparently to convince me that the SOS has no responsibility for the errors exposed in Fulton County.  I said Mr. Rossi and I believe the SOS has the ultimate responsibility; thus we disagree on the issue of responsibility.” 

In addition, Mr. James called our attention to Code Section. OCGA 21-2-499(a) “…requires the SOS to notify a county if an error is found in the county’s certified returns and direct the county to correct the error and recertify the results.”

The SOS’s shield of armor now has a crack.  Mr. Rossi and Mr. James are gathering support for:

  1. The State Election Board to publicly announce per the Governor’s request that an investigation has been opened regarding the errored data posted on the SOS’s website regarding the RLA Report for Fulton County.
  2. The SOS’s office immediately footnote the errored data…(1) data contained in this report is under investigation.
  3. Determine which entity is responsible for the generation of the errors.
  4. Determine what was the root cause of the errors.
  5. Determine what is the net vote impact for the errors.
  6. Determine if the SOS’s office checked the RLA report posted on their website.
  7. If they did check this RLA report, did they not find any errors = incompetence?
  8. If they did check this RLA report , did they find errors and did nothing = cover up?

Mr. James provided his summary of the call with the attorney from the Attorney General’s office:

Mr. Rossi made it very clear that his efforts to seek the truth will not be thwarted by intimidation tactics or otherwise.  He also stated that he and his team are continuing to investigate the election results.

It is well-known that the Secretary of State is the chief election officer of the state and the responsibility for the election results is squarely his to answer for.

Of note, last Thursday former US Senator David Perdue sued Fulton County for their 2020 Election reporting which “affected the outcome of the statewide General Election”: