Police Scotland has announced that if a rapist with male genitalia identifies as a woman, even if they have not taken steps to change thei...
Police Scotland has announced that if a rapist with male genitalia identifies as a woman, even if they have not taken steps to change their gender legally, the rape will be recorded as “being carried out by a woman.”
According to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, feminists believe this will “warp rape statistics and threaten women’s safety by understating the threat of male violence.”
The catalyst for all of this is the Scottish National Party’s Gender Recognition Act which is expected to take effect in mid-2022, The Times of London reported.
According to the Mail, this legislation “will remove medical checks for those seeking a gender recognition certificate and shorten the time people have to live as their new gender before it is legally recognized.”
Former SNP justice secretary Kenny MacAskill told The Scottish Sun on Sunday this situation is absurd. “As a lawyer for 20 years and Justice Secretary for almost eight, I’ve seen some legal absurdities.”
“But this tops it all and is dangerous. It’s physically impossible and is about dogma overriding common sense,” he said.
Needless to say, MacAskill is far from the only critic of this farcical decision.
The outspoken J.K. Rowling, the author of the “Harry Potter” series and a known TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), was happy to call out the madness of this policy in a Sunday Twitter post. Her tweet was blunt but affirmed the biological reality of gender.
She wrote, “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.”
Rowling is unwilling to go along with all of the new woke accommodations being made for trans individuals. She has always made the point that if gender is nothing but a fake construct, it robs women of the thing that makes them unique and special.
This tweet had a predictable impact. Leftists started to absolutely lose their minds on Twitter.
Rowling came under heavy fire last summer by advocates for the transgender movement when she derided an author for referring to women as “people who menstruate.” The new tweet simply added fuel to the fire.
Rowling is standing firm. She actually makes a valid point here. Why are the Scottish cops so worried about not offending an alleged rapist? You would think they would be more concerned with punishing a man for rape rather than making sure to use his preferred pronouns.
Liberals have traded out women’s rights for trans rights. Rowling is exposing them for it and thus they are savaging her.
Her unwillingness to cower before the gender mob is commendable.