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Father's Voice Shakes as He Talks About Slain Daughter, Blames Woke Politicians for Crime Spike

  The distraught father of a slain UCLA graduate student says destructive left-wing policies are responsible for the rampant crime infesting...

 The distraught father of a slain UCLA graduate student says destructive left-wing policies are responsible for the rampant crime infesting much of the United States, including the tragic murder of his 24-year-old daughter.

Brianna Kupfer was stabbed to death on Jan. 13 while working at a luxury furniture store in Democrat-led Los Angeles, which has been roiled by terrifying crime waves.

The Los Angeles Police Department has identified the suspect as 31-year-old Shawn Laval Smith, who it said “should be considered armed and dangerous.”

The LAPD has a manhunt underway for Smith, who remains at large.

According to the Daily Mail, Smith is a “career criminal with a long rap sheet” spanning three states: South Carolina, North Carolina and California. It reported his charges have included assault with a deadly weapon, carrying a concealed weapon, assault on a police officer and possession of a stolen vehicle.

He probably should not have been allowed to roam free but he was, at least in part because of toxic liberal policies.

The victim’s grieving dad, Todd Kupfer, told Fox News on Tuesday that reckless politicians enable horrifying crimes by prioritizing the needs of criminals over law-abiding citizens.

“Crime is truly spiking, and we have a lot of criminals on the streets that shouldn’t be out,” Kupfer said tearfully.

“We have a lot of politicians that somehow forgot about people and think the key to getting elected is to support the lowest rung of our society and to give them rights and somehow that’s the answer to getting votes,” he continued.

Kupfer said he does not want to politicize Brianna’s death but suggested that it’s the tragic, foreseeable consequence of soft-on-crime policies.

“What’s endemic in our society right now is that everybody seems to be oriented on giving back rights and bestowing favor on people that rob others of their rights,” Kupfer said.

Instead of lionizing criminals and condoning lawlessness, he said, “we should be celebrating the good in people and trying to recognize that that’s the job they have is to try to elevate that, to make communities better, to make people care more, to not tear down communities by exposing them to people that’re falling out the bottom that really don’t care about the other human beings and just think they can do whatever they like in our society. And they are doing it more and more in every community.”

A chilling security video taken 30 minutes after the stabbing shows Smith calmly buying a vape pen at a local 7-Eleven.

The senselessness of this cold-blooded killing is mind-boggling, since the suspect did not know the victim and didn’t even bother to rob her or the store.

“The suspect attacked the victim with a knife and fled the scene through the back door,” the LAPD said in a Jan. 14 statement. “There is no known motive at this time.”

At this point, there are simply no words to describe the utter decay of American society under the failed presidency of Joe Biden and his Democratic colleagues in Washington who control both houses of Congress.

It is telling that Democrat-run cities nationwide have experienced unprecedented surges in violent crimes, with many setting records for the bloody body counts.

In a civilized society, you get what you tolerate. It is long past time for Americans to stop tolerating lawlessness and letting Democrats run the country into the ground.

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