An updated lawsuit filed against a Michigan high school documents Ethan Crumbley's 'unusual' behavior before he allegedly ...
An updated lawsuit filed against a Michigan high school documents Ethan Crumbley's 'unusual' behavior before he allegedly opened fire.
The suit reveals warning signs leading up to the shooting which included 15-year-old Crumbley bringing a bird's head in a Mason jar filled with yellow liquid three weeks before the massacre took place, according to the Detroit Free Press, which reported its findings after exclusive access to the revised lawsuit.
Crumbley was also revealed to have allegedly brought bullets to class and put them on display and researched ammunition on his phone only a day before the shooting.
In the $100 million lawsuit filed against Oxford High School, officials are being targeted as the responsible party for the November 30 shooting that saw four students killed and seven others injured.
Crumbley allegedly posted on Twitter later on November 29, writing: 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. See you tomorrow Oxford,' the Detroit Free Press reported Friday.
The Michigan high school has since been singled out for being made aware of Crumbley's behavior but taking no action as they were said to have allegedly told students and parents there was no reason for concern.
Following the shooting, Crumbley remains in custody and is being charged as an adult for his involvement in the deadly shooting.
His parents James, 45, and Jennifer Crumbley, 43, have also each been charged with involuntary manslaughter on claims that they made the gun accessible for their son prior to the incident.

An updated lawsuit filed against Oxford High School reveals more 'warning signs' related to Crumbley's behavior before he allegedly shot and killed four students on November 30

Oxford High School has been accused of neglecting to properly address Crumbley's behavior prior to the shooting

The suit revealed that Crumbley scribbled violent drawings on his math homework and in his journal as well as exhibiting other behaviors such as bringing a severed bird head to school and putting bullets on display in his classroom the day before the shooting
The updated suit, which was filed by Michigan firm Fieger Law, has added 11 new counts after being made aware that the school knew of Crumbley's behavior.
'The school was on alert about Ethan,' firm attorney Nora Hanna told the Free Press. 'There are a million things that they could have done.'
New details in the suit emerged the extent of Crumbley's behavior leading up to the shooting, which included allegedly drawing a picture of a gun on his math homework and a sketch of someone opening fire at the school in his journal, recording himself torturing animals, messaging his mom about 'ghosts and demons in the house' and even texting his friend 'It's time to shoot up a school JK.'
In addition, video surveillance revealed Crumbley had allegedly put a severed bird's head in a bathroom stall after he kept it under his bed for six months, according to Hanna.
An email was sent out by the school after students allegedly found and reported it.
'Please know that we have reviewed every concern shared with us and investigated all information provided… (we) want our parents and students to know that there has been no threat to our building nor our students,' the email read, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Ethan Crumbley's parents James (left) and Jennifer (right) were charged with manslaughter after they allegedly made a gun accessible to their son

Crumbley is being held and tried as an adult for murder, terrorism as well as other counts for his involvement in the November 30 shooting

The Crumbley have remained in custody since December 4

Crumbley was reportedly given access to a SIG SAUER 9mm
A severed deer's head was also found in the school courtyard only weeks before, on November 4, as well as messages written in red paint found on the pool deck and windows of the property.
Parents also complained to the school that students were receiving threatening messages during this period.
'I know I'm being redundant here, but there is absolutely no threat at the HS [high school]," the principal, Steven Wolf, stated in the email, which was cited in the lawsuit.
'Large assumptions were made from a few social media posts, then the assumptions evolved into exaggerated rumors.'
It remains unclear if Ethan Crumbley was the culprit for these incidents.
However, the school continued to receive criticism for taking little to no action against him as even students were aware of his allegedly 'violent' tendencies.
The suit noted that the school should have gotten Child Protective Services involved, which is required by law. The school allegedly only threatened to do so, which purportedly only gave him more time to plan the shooting.
In addition, the suit claimed that a school liaison officer was barred from a meeting with Crumbley and his parents after a teacher found his gun drawing.
It is alleged that two of the school's counselors chose to keep the drawing away from the officer.
The school also allegedly told students 'to stop spreading information over social media' after they received the threatening messages in early November.

A wanted poster for James Crumbley. A massive manhunt of the area led to their capture in the basement of a nearby building - less than a mile from the Canadian border

School district attorney Tim Mullins has since defended the district for the way it handled the incident.
Mullins also said he is attempting to dismiss the lawsuit on immunity grounds, according to court documents.
'My focus is to get this community healed … to get the teachers who love their kids back in the classrooms,' Mullins told the Free Press.
'The prosecutor made it very clear, "I don’t want you releasing anything." 'I said, "Agreed." We've given (the prosecution) everything we have.'
Crumbley's parents have also been blamed for the shooting after they were accused of providing him access to a gun, as well as for refusing to take him home after they were called in for the meeting.
Hours before the school shooting begun, the Crumbleys were called to the school to discuss Ethan's disturbing behavior including drawings depicting a gun, a bullet, blood everywhere, a shooting victim and a laughing emoji.
The note included the words: 'Thoughts won't stop, help me'; 'my life is useless' and 'the world is dead,' Oakland County prosecutor Karen McDonald said. After the meeting, the Crumbleys left their son to finish the day at school when he opened fire on his classmates and teachers.
'They did not intervene. They did not schedule therapy,' Assistant Oakland County Prosecutor Marc Keast previously said in court.
'Instead, they bought him what he desperately wanted, a 9mm Sig Sauer handgun.'
James and Jennifer Crumbley were arrested on December 4 after they were found hiding in a Detroit art studio.

Students pay tribute at a memorial in front of Oxford High School after four students were killed seven others were injured

Madisyn Baldwin, 17, (left) and Hana St Juliana, 14, (right) died in a shooting rampage at Oxford High School in suburban Detroit

Justin Shilling, 17, (left) died in the hospital the morning after the shooting and Tate Myre (right) died in the school on November 30
The pair failed to show up for their arraignment and stopped communicating with their attorneys which sparked a manhunt search for them.
They went on the lam for two days, December 3 and 4, and withdrew $3,000 from their son's bank account after his arrest as they planned to run away to Florida.
The couple appeared in court on Friday where they asked a judge to lower their $500,000 bond to $100,000. But that request was denied by an Oakland County judge who deemed that both parents were a flight risk.
During Friday's bond hearing, Prosecutor Karen McDonald argued that the bond should remain at $500,000 for each of them because of their lack of ties to the state of Michigan and their plans to flee the area just hours following their son's arrest.
McDonald said James, who worked as a Doordash delivery driver and Jennifer, who had been terminated by her employer, both had families in Florida and started making plans to move there immediately after the shooting.
'On November 30, just hours after their son murdered children in a school, they started making plans.,' McDonald told the court.
She added that they started making plans to sell horses once they were in Florida and bought four cellphones. They had also drained their son's bank account of $3,000, leaving only 99 cents.
On December 1, the couple checked into a different hotel where they made contact with discussion of the sale of their horses and withdrew $2,000 from their bank. They then checked out of the hotel, leaving one of their cars behind but parked so that the license plate could not be easily seen.
McDonald said they drove to the art studio in Detroit the same day where they were captured and taken into custody after leading authorities on a large-scale manhunt.
Both Crumbleys have pleaded not guilty to all four charges of involuntary manslaughter. Each count is punishable by up to 15 years in prison along with a $7,500 fine and mandatory DNA testing.
Their son, who also previously pleaded not guilty, is due back for his arraignment on Wednesday in Oakland County Circuit Court.