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Thursday, January 23


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Woman Learns the Hard Way That Pro-Abortion Activists Actually Hate Women

  Pro-abortion activists say they are the ones who care about women’s rights, and they paint anyone who argues against abortion as anti-wome...

 Pro-abortion activists say they are the ones who care about women’s rights, and they paint anyone who argues against abortion as anti-women. The exact opposite is closer to the truth.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, the largest pro-life student organization in America, got firsthand experience of the pro-abortion movement’s hatred of women before giving a speech at Wellesley College.

Hawkins and SFL are currently spearheading a massive offensive against the pro-abortion movement through their Final Fight for Freedom campaign. You can join SFL’s fight today by visiting here.

In an opinion piece for Life News, Hawkins said she was looking at the Wellesley speech as an opportunity to “engage with students who don’t understand the pro-life worldview.”

Sadly, many students made assumptions about her based on misconceptions before even hearing her speak.

“Students prepared for my visit by disseminating a 30-page document in which they attached every unfounded, trendy label they could to smear my name and included an 800-signature petition urging Wellesley to cancel my speech and shut down the school’s only pro-life campus group, Wellesley For Life,” Hawkins explained.

In addition, Hawkins said students published a defamatory article about her in the school newspaper and defaced pictures of her on campus. These are hardly the actions of people who love women and want to hear what they have to say.

Hawkins said that after receiving multiple violent threats, SFL published them in an attempt to alert the media and school administrators and ensure safety.

This was apparently effective, as Hawkins said the hundreds of pro-abortion Wellesley students who greeted her upon her arrival were mostly peaceful.

As she spoke with students, Hawkins said she realized their hatred was based on “their warped misconceptions of the Pro-Life Generation, not what we actually believe.”

Hawkins shared with the students some troubling history about their school. She alerted them to letters from mothers of previous Wellesley students who were forced out of campus housing because they were pregnant.

In addition, Hawkins explained the heart of SFL’s Standing with You initiative, which is designed to support pregnant and parenting mothers who are still in college. 

It is hard to look at these two strategies and say that the university that booted pregnant students from campus loves women, while the organization with initiatives designed to support those women actually hates them.

However, Hawkins said the pro-abortion movement has pushed the lie that “pro-lifers don’t care about women” because the truth is much too damaging to its cause.

Hawkins understands that pro-abortion students like those at Wellesley are not her enemies. In many ways, they are victims themselves of a false information campaign fueled by colleges, Big Tech and establishment media outlets.

Vulnerable women are fed the lie that abortion is empowering for women, and they believe it because they do not know any better. When someone like Hawkins comes and tells them the truth, they begin to question the faulty logic of the pro-abortion establishment.

When it comes to the abortion debate, the facts are on the side of the pro-life crowd, and it’s crucial to spread those facts to the next generation.

This is exactly what Students for Life is fighting to do — train college students to be advocates for life, not death. By visiting here today, you can support this effort and bring the truth to those who need it most.