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Tuesday, March 18


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Report: CNN Canned Chris Cuomo After Horrific Alleged Sex Attack of Co-Worker in Broad Daylight

  Many Americans believed that CNN fired host Chris Cuomo on Dec. 4 over revelations he had used his professional connections to help his br...

 Many Americans believed that CNN fired host Chris Cuomo on Dec. 4 over revelations he had used his professional connections to help his brother — disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo — to dodge sexual harassment allegations.

As it turns out, there could be much more to the story.

In fact, Cuomo might have been fired because of his own sexual misconduct.

According to The New York Times, a “young” female temp worker accused him of sexually assaulting her during a meeting in his office in 2011, when he was at ABC News.

Cuomo reportedly invited the woman into his office for lunch after having given her career advice about obtaining a full-time job at the network.

“When she arrived, there was no food,” the Times reported. “Instead, Mr. Cuomo badgered her for sex.”

The young woman said that when she declined, he sexually assaulted her.

These allegations were brought forward to CNN lawyers on Dec. 1, mere hours after Cuomo had been suspended for helping his brother dodge his own sexual harassment allegations.

Three days later, Cuomo was fired by CNN.

The woman’s attorney, Debora Katz, previously spoke out on her client’s behalf about the incident, but the details of the alleged attack were not revealed until the Times’ Tuesday report.

In Katz’s statement on Dec. 5, she said the young woman was “disgusted” by the similarities between her allegations and those levied against Andrew Cuomo.

“In the wake of public sexual harassment allegations against former Governor Andrew Cuomo, Chris Cuomo looked directly into the camera and told viewers of Cuomo Prime Time, ‘I have always cared very deeply about these issues and profoundly so. I just wanted to tell you that,’” the attorney said.

“Subsequently,” Katz said, “the Attorney General released jaw-dropping documentary evidence demonstrating that Chris Cuomo played an active role in attempting to smear women whom the Attorney General concluded had made serious allegations of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct against the Governor.

“Hearing the hypocrisy of Chris Cuomo’s on-air words and disgusted by his efforts to try to discredit these women, my client retained counsel to report his serious sexual misconduct against her to CNN.”

She said her client, who wished to remain anonymous, “came forward at this time because she felt in sharing her story and related documentation, she could help protect other women.”

First Andrew, now Chris.

The left wants us all to believe that men in general are sexual predators.

If these allegations are true, however, women should be especially wary of prima donnas named Cuomo.