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Friday, March 14


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Breaking News:

“VINDICATED” TRUMP Responds To Winning FAKE Stormy Daniels Case...”I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I ever have wanted to”

  In 2016, Porn star Stormy Daniels became a pawn in Michael Avenatti’s game of lies and deceit in his effort to smear President Trump and g...


In 2016, Porn star Stormy Daniels became a pawn in Michael Avenatti’s game of lies and deceit in his effort to smear President Trump and grab attention from the media while attempting to humiliate and extort money from Donald J. Trump.

Almost immediately after the now-jailed lawyer of porn star, Stormy Daniels announced their lawsuit against Trump, Avenatti instantaneously became the darling of the Democrat Party and, by default, of the mainstream media who report on their behalf. Many in the media were calling on Avenatti to run for President of the United States.

In a rare moment of journalistic integrity, Savannah Guthrie of NBC’s got into a heated exchange with Michael Avenatti on March 26, 2018. Guthrie asked Avenatti why the former porn star hasn’t come forward with evidence she may have against President Donald Trump? When Avenatti refused to answer, Guthrie pressed until he told her that Daniels is prepared to describe personal things about the president.

“You were here almost three weeks ago, and I asked if there was any evidence, documentary evidence, text messages, photo evidence that verified that Stormy Daniels had the affair that she claims she had. You said to me, ‘that’s a question Ms. Daniels will have to ultimately answer.’ Cut to last night, she’s asked directly about this on “60 Minutes,” and she says my attorney has instructed me not to answer. So does this, or doesn’t she have the evidence?” 


As has been the case with every fake lawsuit brought against President Trump since he took office, it turns out the Stormy Daniels story was another fabrication.

CNBC – Daniels sued Trump when he was president in 2018, seeking to void the non-disclosure agreement with Cohen. While Trump later agreed not to enforce the agreement, a judge in 2020 ordered him to pay Daniels more than $44,000 for her legal fees in that case.

Later in 2018, Daniels sued Trump again, claiming he defamed her when, in a Twitter post, he scoffed at a police sketch artist drawing of a man who Daniels said had threatened her in 2011 over her allegation of having had sex with Trump.

Trump called the sketch a “con job” about a “nonexistent man.”

A federal judge dismissed that lawsuit later in 2018, saying Trump’s statements were protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.

He also ordered Daniels to pay Trump’s attorneys’ fees in the case and sanctions.

The U.S. Supreme Court in February 2021 rejected Daniels’ effort to appeal the decision.

The appeals court also said that the same judge had properly included another $1,000 in sanctions against Daniels in the same judgment that awarded Trump attorneys fees.

Here’s how President Trump responded late Monday evening:

Trump Wins Stormy Daniels Case

The 9th Circuit just issued a final ruling in the Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) frivolous lawsuit case against me brought by her disgraced lawyer, Michael Avenatti, upholding the lower court ruling that she owes me nearly $300,000 in attorney fees, costs, and sanctions (not including appeal costs). As I have stated many times throughout the years, I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I ever have wanted to. The ruling was a total and complete victory and vindication for and of me.

The lawsuit was a purely political stunt that never should have been started or allowed to happen, and I am pleased that my lawyers were able to bring it to a successful conclusion after the court fully rejected her appeal. Now all I have to do is wait for all of the money she owes me.

P.S. The Fake News probably won’t report this story!