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Sunday, March 16


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Elon Musk Shoots Down Wall Street Journal Report that He Was Behind Google Founder Marriage Breakup

  Elon Musk destroyed another far-left attack coming after him for reportedly being behind the breakup of Google founder’s marriage.  Yester...


Elon Musk destroyed another far-left attack coming after him for reportedly being behind the breakup of Google founder’s marriage. 

Yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that Elon Musk was behind the breakup of Google founder Sergey Brin’s marriage.

The Daily Mail reports:

Elon Musk taunted The Wall Street Journal’s Investigations Editor on Monday morning, tweeting a photo of himself partying with Sergey Brin yesterday in an effort to disprove the newspaper’s bombshell claim that Musk slept with Brin’s wife Nicole and was the catalyst for their divorce.

Replying to Investigations Editor Michael Siconolfi, Musk shared the photo and long with pants and fire emojis.

The photo shows Musk and Brin partying outdoors with two unidentified women. It’s unclear where exactly it was taken – Musk was last seen in Mykonos last week – but his jet flew from Austin, where he lives, to San Jose on Saturday. It flew back to Austin last night, landing at 11pm last night.

Below is the retweet from Musk:

Musk also agreed with an assessment of the status of the media which is looking for clicks and not the truth.

The media is after Musk since he put in a bid to purchase Twitter.  Musk eventually canceled the deal because Twitter refused to provide details behind the number of bots on Twitter’s platform which apparently have been way understated by Twitter for years.