Source: Association of Mature American Citizens The days when Hollywood was just focused on providing entertainment have long gone. It is ...

Source: Association of Mature American Citizens
The days when Hollywood was just focused on providing entertainment have long gone. It is now overtaken by political correctness and “wokeness” from the left.
This culture of “wokeness” and political correctness keeps getting more and more extreme, which can be destructive and harmful to society.
“Hollywood is just another casualty in the left’s dominance of American culture,” said Toto, the founder of the conservative entertainment site
“It’s the same way the culture went woke and lost its soul,” Toto told The Daily Signal. “A few studio executives make a few decisions, a few actors realize if they share some woke virtue signaling on social media, they’ll get more attention, more positive press. And it goes from there.”
Viewers have grown increasingly weary of being exposed to so much propaganda in recent times.
In a now-viral post, Hazel Koinonia of Bradenton, Florida, expressed something that we can all agree with. The post has now received 8.1k shares on Facebook.
In one of her responses, she said, “I clearly explained that we are aware that these are fictional characters. But they’re based on FOLKLORE which is CULTURAL to people. For example, ZEUS IS GREEK SO HE WILL BE WHITE, NOT BLACK. Understand this simple logic please.”
“The only way is to stop supporting them. If you hurt the money, they behave a little. Unfortunately, those they exploit will always think otherwise,” she said.
Read her post below:
Hypocrisy is us black people.
Okay, I’ve been following these debates. I understand both sides. We can establish that the two major debates about representation is Black Ariel and Black Elves and even Black Targaryens
So I’ll say this. Yes we know these are FICTIONAL CHARACTERS but as a writer of stories I try to respect the culture the character I’m writing about is from that people will immediately identify with.
Folklore is CULTURAL it’s the stories we hear from our grandparents and such to teach us lessons. Those stories stay with us through life as part of our cultural inheritance.
If a Bemba writer who is interested in writing a fantasy genre based on Bemba folklore wrote a story about the gods and goddesses of the Bemba engaging in a war with the Lozi gods over the empire of the land (Zambia) we would expect the depiction of these gods to be black. Because for sure the writer is imagining them as black and indigenous to the people who carry them as part of their culture.
Similarly, I expect a Greek writer who is writing about Greek folklore to imagine them white because they’re white.
If a Screenwriter picks these stories up and says hey, these are great stories let me write a script and relay it to big producers who can adapt these stories and see how it goes, then for sure, the Director in his normal mind will have to hire actors who are the skin tone of the characters in those folklore despite them being fiction. They belong to a culture of people.
Now that we have that settled, in the case of the Little Mermaid, without a doubt, it’s a Danish man as a creator of the story. It was written for the Danish who are European. Ariel is imagined to be from the Atlantic ocean, at least that is where King Triton rules the 7 seas from. So yes the creator imagined Ariel white when he wrote that folklore. She is white.
This does not mean the writer isn’t aware that the Atlantic Ocean obviously touches other continents like Africa, South America and such. It doesn’t mean the writer isn’t aware that there is a possibility of the mermaid being black or Latina. Because the waters touch those lands too right? But he was Danish and wrote it for Danish kids, and they are European. She was imagined as a European mermaid. Period.
Similarly, an African from Cape Town could have written about an African mermaid from the Atlantic Ocean who speaks Xhosa or as a white South African Mermaid who is of Dutch descent and speaks Afrikaans. We should see nothing wrong with either of those scenarios as it is an actual fact and reality of the people living there.
The Lord of the Rings was based on European folklore. Etc. You get the gist. Now my problem is this with black people, we have plethora of folklore. So many tribes and so many stories in fact if we gathered all of them they’d outweigh any mythology that exists.
The only African mythology to even be used creatively is Egyptian mythology. It ended there.Yet we have PLENTY. But you are mad that some people decided to highlight their mythology and make creative stories from them and you cry about representation?
Where are the black novelists or animators or creatives doing African mythological stories or writing African sci-fi or African fantasy based on African mythology? Where are they?
No one will tell our stories for us, market them and hype them on our behalf. No one but us. The thing with black people is it’s just easier to toss blame and rant and complain that’s why they can even steal some things knowing that all you’ll do is rant and complain. Exhibit A, saying oh they white-washed black characters in some of the things we watch. It ends there.
To y’all, it just feels nice to blackwash a white character instead of enabling yourselves to PRODUCE what YOU want to see on screen or whatever.
Even Black Panther was written by WHITE people and illustrated by WHITE people but they did it so carefully to respect the lore and culture of different African cultures they got inspired from so I give Stan Lee and Jack Kirby kudos for that. But see? It even took a white man to write a black story than today ati iyo shani .
You either play the game or get played. Can’t have it both ways really.
Not everything is about racism, you were just lazy.
Edit: Thank you to all for sharing and to whom this message has reached. I know we can’t all agree about everything but even if you do disagree do it respectfully. I love [Halle Bailey], and I’m happy for her success, but the truth can’t be ignored either.
Many people responded favorably to her message and agreed with her points.
“As a black African actress, and artist, I Stan. You took the words right out of my mouth. These people ruining my childhood by applying black to everything,” one user commented.
“I dig it how you took the time and put together what many of us is trying to explain to “normies”. Good job and thank you again,” said another commenter.