Not every first lady can be a fashion model like Melania Trump. That said, they also don’t need to dress like a piece of furniture. We’re ...
Not every first lady can be a fashion model like Melania Trump. That said, they also don’t need to dress like a piece of furniture.
We’re not talking figuratively here. As one Twitter user noticed, Jill Biden’s outfits closely pattern on furniture — and she has the photos to prove it.
The tweet thread was posted by user @Maga4Justice, who described it as “my new hobby.”
“Find the sofa the dress wa[s] made from,” the first tweet said. It showed Jill in a floral-pattern dress side-by-side with a sofa that looked similarly garish:
It turns out there were quite a few sofas that fit the pattern — in more ways than one.
But it’s not just sofas that the first lady has been copping her patterns from. There are also cabinets and wallpaper in the mix, too.
Why, there are even shower curtains thrown into the mix.
Bedspreads and dogs, too!
Why, we even have office chairs in the mix:
Believe it or not, there’s more:
This is frivolous but funny, of course — until you consider that such frivolous things were taken very seriously during the Trump years, when Melania’s fashion was considered fair game for the media.
Consider 2017, when Melania accompanied her husband to Texas to survey the damage from Tropical Storm Harvey. She was lambasted for wearing heels when she left the White House, with the press assuming she was going to be touring damaged areas in stilettos. (She changed beforehand, obviously.)
This week, as President Joe Biden and the first lady left for Florida to survey Hurricane Ian damage, Jill was wearing heels, too — and nobody seemed to care except conservative Twitterers:
Then in 2018, the media again had a fit over a safari outfit Melania wore during a trip to Kenya.
Here’s liberal outlet Vox, trying to wring every drop of controversy from the outfit: “Her highly photographed Kenyan safari on Friday featured the week’s most controversial outfit: an ‘Out of Africa’-esque getup complete with calf-high safari boots and a pith helmet, headgear that was worn by British explorers and colonial administrators in Africa and has endured as a longstanding symbol of European colonial rule in the continent.”
Some outlets were less serious, however. Inside Edition, for instance, compared it to the outfit worn by an Indiana Jones villain:
At least one can say this: Inside Edition stripped the patina of seriousness from a ridiculous attempt at connecting the outfit to “colonialism.” They just wanted to pick on someone liberals loved picking on.
Well, fine. However, Melania Trump looked like an elegant fashion plate going on safari. Jill Biden has repeatedly looked like her White House fashion consultant is Ashley Furniture. And both women wore heels as they left the White House to survey storm damage.
Which one would you rather be?