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Friday, March 14


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“I Fly Commercial Exclusively!” – Climate Envoy John Kerry Rushes Away As Reporters in Davos Call Him Out For Flying on Private Jets (VIDEO)

  Joe Biden’s Climate Envoy John Kerry is one of many elitist hypocrites who attended the 2023 World Economic Forum’s annual winter meeting ...


Joe Biden’s Climate Envoy John Kerry is one of many elitist hypocrites who attended the 2023 World Economic Forum’s annual winter meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week.

The World Economic Forum was back in Davos, Switzerland this week for the first time since 2020 for its annual winter meeting with the world’s elites.

“Under the theme of ‘Cooperation in a Fragmented World’, we’ll look at how we can tackle the numerous and interlinked challenges the world is facing and find solutions through public-private cooperation.” the WEF said in a press release.

WEF founder Klaus Schwab opened the annual meeting on Monday with a call to ‘master the future.’ 

Klaus Schwab

Earlier this week John Kerry expressed that he was part of a “select group of human beings” who were called to save the planet.

Kerry is a pompous man who has always thought very highly of himself.

Rebel News reporters bombarded John Kerry with questions about his private jet usage.

John Kerry flies on private jets whilst lecturing the peasants on the virtues of making sacrifices to save the planet.

“I fly commercial exclusively!” Kerry shouted at a reporter who called him out for taking a private jet to scoop up a climate award.