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Friday, March 21


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“Kamikazes – Will Sink the Whole Republican Party” – Newt Loses It Over Anti-McCarthy Hold-Outs (VIDEO)

  Former Speaker Newt Gingrich is the latest Republican leader to lose it over the lack of support for Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the Hou...


Former Speaker Newt Gingrich is the latest Republican leader to lose it over the lack of support for Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House.

Newt labeled those against Kevin McCarthy as “kamakazes” who “will sink the whole Republican Party.”

Newt Gingrich: “These five guys decided to go out as Kamikazes and see if they can’t sink the whole Republican Party.”

Sorry Newt, The Republican Party sunk the Republican Party. Mitch McConnell sunk the Republican Party. Weak Republicans sunk the Republican Party. Secret Sleepers sunk the Republican Party.  


Kevin McCarthy is not the leader America needs right now as it slides into communism and individual rights are eliminated.

Via FOX and Friends and Midnight Rider.

Here’s a little more background on Kevin McCarthy that we are all supposed to forget.

As reported back in April — The New York Times investigative reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns released passages from their latest book “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future.”

In the book the two claimed that GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy told Liz Cheney on a January 10, 2021 call that he would counsel Trump to resign before the end of his term.

When the claims within the book broke early in the news, McCarthy’s spokesman Mark Bednar refuted them saying, “McCarthy never said he’d call Trump to say he should resign.”

McCarthy himself called the claims about his conversations “totally false” when The New York Times reported on them earlier in the day.

Then he got caught.

Rachel Maddow leaked the private phone call on her show on Thursday night of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy with Trump-hating lunatic Liz Cheney on January 10, 2021.

Tucker Carlson totally threw down on McCarthy for tossing his Caucus members under the bus and pushing to silence them online.

Tucker warned Republicans of electing Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker if Republicans gain control of the US House in 2023.

This was back in April when the revelations were leaked to the media – via Liz Cheney’s team. 

On Tuesday Matt Gaetz released a damning video against Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz did not have to persuade his audience of the dangers of a McCarthy speakership. Matt Gaetz let Kevin McCarthy do the speaking.

This is a brutal takedown of Kevin McCarthy. NO WAY should this man be trusted to lead Republicans in the new Congress.