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Wednesday, March 19


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POLL: Only 36 Percent Of Likely Voters Think Country Is Headed In The Right Direction

  Very few Americans are happy about where the country is headed. In fact, according to a new poll, only 36 percent of likely voters think t...


Very few Americans are happy about where the country is headed.

In fact, according to a new poll, only 36 percent of likely voters think the country is headed in the right direction.

Who makes up that 36 percent? The media and Hollywood?

Breitbart News reports: 

Poll: Only 36 Percent Say U.S. Headed in the ‘Right’ Direction

Only 36 percent of likely voters in the United States think the county is headed in the “right” direction, which is down from the previous survey, a new Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found.

The Rasmussen Reports survey also found that 58 percent think the country is going in the “wrong” direction, with six percent unsure how they felt. The survey was taken online with 1,900 respondents during the week ending December 29, 2022.

The percentage of respondents who thought the county was going in the “right” direction was down one point from the week prior, with the percentage of respondents believing the country was headed in the “wrong” direction going up one percent.

At the same point one year ago, 26 percent of the respondents said the U.S. was headed in the “right” direction, while 65 percent said it was on the wrong track.

The survey was taken from December 25 to 29, 2022, with 1,900 U.S. likely voters through a national telephone survey. There was also a two percent margin of error and a 95 percent confidence level.

This is a reflection of Biden and his horrible policies.

Seriously, who are the people who think things are going well?