World Athletics, the governing body that oversees track and field events, banned transgender ‘women’ (biological males) from competing aga...
World Athletics, the governing body that oversees track and field events, banned transgender ‘women’ (biological males) from competing against women at international events.
For now.
World Athletics president Sebastian Coe said the transgender ban won’t last forever.
BBC reported:
World Athletics has banned transgender women from competing in the female category at international events.
The governing body’s president, Lord Coe, said no transgender athlete who had gone through male puberty would be permitted to compete in female world ranking competitions from 31 March.
A working group will be set up to conduct further research into the transgender eligibility guidelines.
“We’re not saying no forever,” he said.
Under previous rules, World Athletics required transgender women to reduce their amount of blood testosterone to a maximum of 5nmol/L, and stay under this threshold continuously for a period of 12 months before competing in the female category.
Lord Coe added the decision was “guided by the overarching principle which is to protect the female category”.
He noted that there are currently no transgender athletes competing internationally in the sport.
The World Athletics Council also voted to reduce the amount of blood testosterone permitted for athletes with differences in sex development (DSD), such as South Africa’s Caster Semenya.