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Tuesday, January 21


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Breaking News:

TAX DAY IS HERE – Time to Look at How the Government Spends Our Money

  Today is tax day! NBC  writes: The deadline to file taxes is upon us. This year, it falls on Tuesday, April 18 — the result of the Distric...


Today is tax day!

NBC writes:

The deadline to file taxes is upon us.

This year, it falls on Tuesday, April 18 — the result of the District of Columbia’s observance of Emancipation Day on Monday and the fact that the typical deadline, April 15, fell on a weekend.

Filers can still request an extension, at which point they have until Oct. 16 to submit their full return.

Where do our taxes go?

Per a report from 2022, taxes go to the following:

Our taxes go to protect us as was pointed out yesterday to the corrupt Democrats in the US House.  Americans don’t care about parties when it comes to safety and loved ones, they care about safety.  This is why we pay taxes to protect us in our neighborhoods.

Our tax dollars go to protect America from other countries as well.  Our tax dollars are used to protect us from external adversaries.

Our tax dollars are to use for safety and protection and yet they are not enough.  The national debt as of right now is over $31 trillion.

Clearly, something must be done to curtail spending and preserve this country.  Paying more taxes is not the answer.  Ask anyone who is getting ready to pay taxes today.

Here are some of the things taxes pay for:

Putting Fish on Treadmills

In 2017, Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona released a list of the most outlandish tax splurges he could find. One involved the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, which used a $560,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to force fish to exercise to exhaustion on treadmills as part of a 2009 study.

The scientists chose mudskippers because of their unique ability to use their fins like legs for extended periods of time when out of the water. The exhausted fish were then given 48 hours to rest before hitting the gym again. Different oxygen levels were used as variables to test their progress and recovery.

Proving That Gingerbread Houses Are Earthquake-Proof

A $150,000 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services funded a workshop called “How Does the Cookie Crumble?” The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry took gingerbread houses designed to be earthquake-resistant and put them to the test on machines that replicated major temblors. Participants got to take their sweet, sugary houses with them. The workshop was part of the OMSI’s annual “Gingerbread Adventures” event.

Turning Computers Into Couch Potatoes

Your tax dollars paid for computers to binge-watch hundreds of hours of television during a 2016 study — as if you weren’t already burning through your paycheck on subscription services.

The program — which was funded by a $460,000 grant from the National Science Foundation and other funds from the Department of Defense’s Office of Naval Research — was designed to train computers to both understand and predict human behavior. The results were inconclusive. But the good news is that the computers are all caught up on their favorite shows.

Finding Out if Playing With Barbie Dolls Helps With Facial Recognition

Researchers at the National Eye Institute and National Science Foundation conducted a $300,000 study in 2016 to find out if playing with Barbies — which was more common among the women in the study — enables women to be better at recognizing faces.

Since Barbies are made with different faces, scientists thought that women might have a gender-based advantage when it comes to memorizing how faces look. It turns out that they likely do not. So, that’s money that came out of your paycheck for no reason.

See more here.