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Poll: Majority Believe The Trump Indictment Is Politically Motivated

  A majority of registered voters believe that the indictment of former President Donald Trump over his handling of classified documents is ...

 A majority of registered voters believe that the indictment of former President Donald Trump over his handling of classified documents is politically motivated, a recent Harvard-Harris poll found. 

The poll, which surveyed 2,090 registered voters from June 14th to 15th, asked respondents, “Do you think Trump’s indictment over the handling of classified documents is a valid indictment, or is it politically motivated?” While 45% said it was valid, 55% believed it was politically motivated.

44% of voters stated that the indictment is a “fair application of the law,” while 56% believe it is a form of “interference by the Department of Justice in the 2024 elections.” A majority of respondents, 58%, said that federal prosecutors either have a “very strong” or a “somewhat strong” case against Trump.

When asked whether the indictment would hurt or help Trump’s political chances, voters were nearly split. While 51% said that the indictment is a reason for him to withdraw from the presidential race, 49% said Trump should keep campaigning.

A full 72% of respondents stated that Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information, while 69% said that she obstructed justice by destroying her emails. Meanwhile, 65% of respondents stated that President Joe Biden mishandled classified information after documents were found in his home and office. 

A slim majority, 53%, contended that “indicting a former president for taking classified documents after leaving office, something done by Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and other senior officials,” is a form of “selective prosecution.”

In addition, 57% of respondents to the Harvard-Harris poll believe that Trump will be acquitted, and 53% say the next president should pardon Trump if he is convicted and sentenced to prison.


An overwhelming majority of respondents, 83%, say they want increased transparency from the FBI and the Department of Justice over allegations that Biden took a $5 million bribe when he was the Vice President, while 55% believe that the FBI is “not really investigating” those accusations.

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