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2019 REPORT: Humans will no longer be allowed to eat meat or dairy by 2030 in order to reduce “consumption-based emissions”

  A restrictive 2019 report, which resurfaced recently, revealed that  consumers will no longer be allowed to eat meat or dairy products fre...

 A restrictive 2019 report, which resurfaced recently, revealed that consumers will no longer be allowed to eat meat or dairy products freely by 2030.

The report also claimed that people should be limited to only three items of new clothing per year and one airplane flight every three years. These "suggestions" will start in countries that "consume the most" to help reduce "the impact of urban consumption."

The report, titled "The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World" was published in 2019 and sets out targets for cities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in alignment with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions.

The report allegedly aims to quantify and suggest ways for city leaders to reduce consumption-based emissions. This translates to enforcing measures that include reducing the things people consume, like food, clothing and travel. 

According to the report, the measures will be effective if they are first enforced among those who consume the most. The report also warned that "consumption-based emissions" need to be reduced by at least 50 percent by 2030.

The report details six sectors where the world's cities can take rapid action to address consumption-based emissions:

  1. Food – In 2017, emissions associated with food were estimated to account for 13 percent of total consumption-based emissions across C40 cities. An estimated three-quarters of these emissions came from the consumption of animal-based foods while the remaining 25 percent come from the consumption of plant-based foods.
  2. Construction – In 2017, C40 cities' emissions linked to the construction and refurbishment of buildings and infrastructure accounted for 0.45 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e), representing 11 percent of emissions in that year.
  3. Clothing – Emissions from clothing and textiles made up four percent of C40 cities' consumption-based emissions in 2017.
  4. Vehicles – In 2017, the total consumption-based emissions linked to the use and manufacturing of private vehicles in C40 cities represented eight percent of total emissions.
  5. Aviation – Emissions linked to flights in C40 cities made up two percent of total consumption-based emissions in 2017. But while the figure seems relatively marginal compared to other sectors examined, the report warns that air travel is one of the most carbon-intensive activities that individuals can undertake. The aviation industry is also experiencing rapid growth.
  6. Electronics – The report found that the use of electronics and household appliances has increased significantly over the last few decades. Emissions from electronics and household appliances in C40 cities made up three percent of total consumption-based emissions in 2017.

The 2019 report was co-created and co-delivered by C40, Arup and the University of Leeds, with funding from Arup, Citi Foundation and the University of Leeds.

The report claims to be an analysis and not a plan, but the tone of the report reads like a plan.

C40 is a global network of mayors representing the world's leading cities that are working together to address the "climate crisis." The network includes almost 100 cities, along with 1,143 cities and local governments that have joined C40’s "Cities Race to Zero" campaign.

The cities that sign up for the campaign commit to keeping global heating below the 1.5 C goal of the Paris Agreement.

Without reading the reports and recommendations addressed to the "Cities Race to Zero" signatories, it's hard to determine if the actions set out in the report are specifically included in the action plan.

If they are, both the 100 C40 Cities and 1,000 additional cities are committing to the report’s reductions in consumer-based emissions. It stands to reason that Arup’s network is committed to doing the same.

What is Arup?

Arup is a global network of "experts" that claim to shape cities "in a thousand ways." The network has over 17,000 members and offices in 46 of the 97 cities that make up C40’s global network.

C40 and Arup have been collaborating since 2009. They have worked together on dystopian publications such as Deadline 2020, Green and Thriving Neighborhoods and a guide for creating net-zero neighborhoods.

But there's a chance that collaborations have pushed through with money changing hands.

The first C40/Arup report, titled "Powering Climate Action: Cities as Global Changemakers," was published in 2015. In the same year Arup, committed to investing $1 million over three years in a research partnership with C40.

In 2019, the year the C40/Arup consumer-based emissions report "The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World" was published, Arup tripled its advisory support to C40 to $3 million over three years.

In 2023, Arup continued its investment in C40 with up to $300,000 a year to allegedly help C40 drive resilience and decarbonization in cities around the world.

In March, C40 Cities re-highlighted the 2019 C40/Arup consumer-based emissions report in an article titled "A spotlight on consumption-based emissions."

C40 claimed that since the 2019 report was published, cities across the globe have started to map consumption-based emissions and studied ways to reduce them.

Highlights from C40/Arup's 2019 report

Starting on page 66, the report summarizes what they hope to impose on consumers. These plans are being made and agreed upon outside the democratic process and under false pretenses.

Some of the changes the report is pushing for include:

  • Using materials efficiently and avoiding new construction
  • Eating less red meat and more vegetables and fruit, which the report adds could also reduce the risk of death linked to health problems like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke
  • Reducing private vehicle ownership to reclaim more space from on-street parking and give it back to the public realm
  • Buying fewer clothes can allegedly help residents in C40 cities save an average of $15,500 per person over 20 years
  • Reducing flights and adopting sustainable aviation fuels could avoid further damage to human health, buildings and infrastructure, along with agricultural production

The acknowledgment section at the beginning of the report shows that it was written by people from the following groups and universities:

  • EAT Forum
  • Ecolyse
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation
  • Future Fashion Forward e.V
  • International Energy Agency
  • University of East Anglia
  • World Business Council For Sustainable Development
  • World Resources Institute

On paper, these measures seem beneficial, but in practice they are draconian. C40 and Arup's activities must be halted immediately and their operations shut down permanently.

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