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Ilhan Omar goes viral over easily disprovable weather claim — but Sen. Mike Lee exposes the more glaring problem

  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) claimed Monday that earth recently experienced the hottest day in 120,000 years, demanding an immediate "na...

 Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) claimed Monday that earth recently experienced the hottest day in 120,000 years, demanding an immediate "national climate emergency."

"The earth just broke the record for the hottest day in 120,000 years. In fact, we broke in on three separate days," Omar tweeted. 

"National climate emergency now," she demanded.

The outrageous claim is obviously not provable.

Aside from the fact that the first reliable thermometer was not invented until 1714 by Daniel Fahrenheit, it was not until the 19th century that weather records were reliably maintained. And even then, records were not kept globally, thus it was impossible to measure worldwide weather data until the 20th century.

More from NASA:

Three of the world’s most complete temperature tracking records – from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climactic Data Center and the UK Meteorological Office’s Hadley Centre – begin in 1880. Prior to 1880, temperature measurements were made with instruments like thermometers.

The oldest continuous temperature record is the Central England Temperature Data Series, which began in 1659, and the Hadley Centre has some measurements beginning in 1850, but there are too few data before 1880 for scientists to estimate average temperatures for the entire planet.

Omar's claim appears to originate with the University of Maine's Climate Reanalyzer and a climate alarmist essay written by WFLA-TV meteorologist Jeff Berardelli.

Meanwhile, while many parts of the Northern Hemisphere are experiencing a hot summer (which is to be expected), many locations in the Southern Hemisphere are experiencing a cold winter. Johannesburg, for example, recorded its first snow in more than a decade last week while Australia was blasted with unusually cold weather last month. Where are the climate alarmist essays about such cold? 

Aside from the demonstrably false claims about hot weather records, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) pointed out the more glaring issue with Omar's tweet: her demand for a "national climate emergency," which, according to Lee, is liberal-speak for more government control. 

"Oldest progressive play in the book—all socialism starts out with an 'emergency,'" he responded.

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