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‘Indict A Father For Loving His Son’: Biden Pravda On Display Like Never Before With Claire McCaskill, Jen Psaki

  As the great Tina Turner once said, “What’s love got to do with it?” Well, as it relates to the GOP’s “dogged investigation” of the Biden ...

 As the great Tina Turner once said, “What’s love got to do with it?” Well, as it relates to the GOP’s “dogged investigation” of the Biden family crime saga, love doesn’t have anything to do with it.

Yet for former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), that’s what the entire fuss is about — as she sees it.

On Wednesday evening, after Hunter Biden’s plea deal completely derailed thanks to Judge Maryellen Noreika, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki used her MSNBC prime time show to push propaganda for her old boss. She brought on her comrade McCaskill as a guest.

At no point in the interview did Psaki inform her viewers that on Wednesday the Department of Justice admitted Hunter is being investigated for potential Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) violations and could be charged.

Furthermore, Psaki left out that the plea agreement in its past form would have granted Biden near-universal immunity for future charges — which is a major reason why the judge didn’t accept the deal.  However, as several former federal prosecutors have pointed out, Noreika did not accept the deal because the DOJ-Biden agreement was unprecedented and would have effectively been universal immunity, tying her and other judge’s hands in the event Hunter receives future charges. Yet Psaki used the segment to push the notion that it was former President Donald J. Trump’s DOJ — not Biden’s DOJ — that was corrupt and did the president’s bidding.

If you thought that was bad, it paled in comparison to McCaskill’s take on the situation. The ex-senator claimed that Republicans would respond to the entire fiasco by trying “to indict a father for loving his son, who has been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and without evidence of the father doing anything other than loving his son.”


She also said that the DOJ and Hunter’s attorneys were worried that Trump would get re-elected and revoke the plea deal. So, she argued, this plea deal was arranged so that the judge would be the arbiter if Hunter violated his diversion program. The judge wasn’t comfortable with that — as McCaskill saw it — thus rejecting the plea deal.

Of course, that doesn’t pass the smell test. As William Shipley, an attorney and former federal prosecutor saw it, Noreika knew something was amiss with the deal.


“Judges see so many plea agreements in the course of just a single year they realize immediately when something isn’t right, and then they ask questions,” he tweeted. “That’s what happened here. She realized something wasn’t kosher and she may issue a ‘Show Cause’ Order asking for an explanation of why the two linked issues were placed in separate documents and then did not call attention to one another.”

“This was a ‘hidden’ global plea agreement — and the fact that they tried to pull that off is all the GOP House needs to impeach Merrick Garland,” he added.

It appears that the broad nature of the deal was “hidden” to shield from the public that Hunter would be effectively granted immunity for any future FARA violations.

Yet, in McCaskill’s telling, the FARA portion of it is a small matter.

“And frankly, they’ll probably work out if he’s got immunity from FARA, the federal lobbying statute,” McCaskill said of what Biden’s legal team and the DOJ will do next.

Psaki never asked why that would need to be worked out — nor why Hunter would be in violation of FARA.

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