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Liz Warren brags about the IRS taking millions from tax-dodgers, but Thomas Massie pulls the rug from underneath her

  Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky pulled the rug from under Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after she tried to &...

 Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky pulled the rug from under Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after she tried to "brag" about the IRS seizing millions from delinquent accounts.

Warren posted an article from the Associated Press on her official social media account in an attempt to bolster the argument that the IRS should be given more money to hunt down people cheating on their taxes.

"The IRS collected $38 million from 175+ millionaire tax cheats in the past months — one bought a Maserati & a Bentley instead of paying taxes they owed. House Republicans want to slash IRS funding to protect wealthy tax cheats — we should be increasing it," Warren tweeted on Sunday.

Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, have tried to obstruct a Democrat plan to spend billions in additional taxpayer money in order to help the IRS ostensibly fulfill its mandate.

Massie pointed out that the millions obtained by the IRS was paltry compared the billions Warren and other Democrats had handed out through spending policies passed in March 2020. 

"She gave them over a trillion dollars with the CARES Act, and now she’s bragging the IRS collected $38 million from them," he tweeted and added a "facepalm" emoji. 

The CARES Act, or the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, was a massive $2.2 trillion spending package intended to help Americans deal with the financial fallout from the lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It was passed by Democrats and signed into law by former President Donald Trump.

Massie has been a consistent and vehement critic of the CARES Act. When Congress tried to pass the bill on a voice vote, he forced a recorded vote, which required hundreds of members of Congress to have to travel back to Washington, D.C., at a time when travel was restricted over the pandemic.

Trump responded by calling him a "third rate Grandstander" and demanding the GOP toss him out of the party.

"He is a disaster for America, and for the Great State of Kentucky!” he said at the time.

Here's more on Massie vs. the CARES Act:

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