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Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Recommends Teachers Read ‘Gender Queer,’ ‘White Fragility’ Over The Summer

  The nation’s largest   teachers union , the National Education Association (NEA), recommended Monday that teachers spend their summer read...

 The nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), recommended Monday that teachers spend their summer reading “White Fragility” and the sexually explicit graphic novel “Gender Queer.”

“Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe and “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo appear on the NEA’s list of “Great Summer Reads For Educators!” which was published in June.

“Gender Queer” includes pornographic cartoon illustrations of sex between two males with a sex toy, as well as oral sex, masturbation, and other sexually explicit content.

Parents across the country have raised hell over the sexually explicit book being available to children in school libraries. In fact, “Gender Queer” was the most challenged title in the country, according to the American Library Association’s annual report on the most banned books of 2022, which was released in March.

The book appears under the “banned books” section of the NEA’s list.

“White Fragility” is a book that “explores why White people are so bad at talking about racism,” the NEA said in commentary published along with its recommended reading list.

Another book on the summer recommended reading list are “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” the memoir of an LGBT activist.

The NEA also has a section on books to “celebrate or understand” Juneteenth.


“If you’re a White person who doesn’t know how to talk about Juneteenth — or how to address more fundamental, but sometimes uncomfortable, topics around race and racism,” you can check out “Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man,” the NEA said.

The NEA also provides recommended reading for children in its “Read Across America” books of the month list.

The NEA recommends “Twas The Night Before Pride” for elementary schoolers and for young adults, “Milo And Marcus At The End Of The World,” a gay romance about a boy hiding his sexuality from his “deeply religious parents and faith community.”

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R), who emphasized parental rights in education during his campaign, blasted the teachers union for recommending the titles.

“This is the same NEA that counseled Biden to keep schools shut for an extended period of time. And it’s the same NEA that said that parents, in fact, were on the verge of being terrorists, showing up at school board meetings. This is who is recommending what books to read for our kids [and that educators] should read as well,” Youngkin said Wednesday on Fox News.

“The challenge we’ve got today is that there have been politicians and bureaucrats and the teachers associations and unions who believe that they are more important in kids’ lives than parents,” Youngkin added.

In May, the NEA stood by an LGBT group that advocated for teaching gender ideology in K-12 schools and hiding students’ gender identities from parents. The NEA said “right-wing extremists” spread “harmful and vicious lies” about the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).

Back in 2021, the NEA sent a letter to Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok urging them to crack down on “misinformation” about racism content in classrooms that a “small but violent group of radicalized adults” believe. Another group of “extremists” believe that “wearing a mask is in infringement on personal liberty,” the NEA’s letter said.

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