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NYC Council Staffer Urged BLM Protestors to “Throw More Bottles at Cops” “Torch More Vans” During George Floyd Protests

  Ember Ollom/ Image: ActionLabNYC Ember Ollom, a digital press aide for the New York City Council, is under fire after anti-police tweets, ...


Ember Ollom/ Image: ActionLabNYC

Ember Ollom, a digital press aide for the New York City Council, is under fire after anti-police tweets, sent in the midst of the already violent George Floyd protests, have resurfaced.

Ollom urged BLM protesters to direct more violence at police tweeting in May of 2020, “I would like it on the record that I would like you all to throw more bottles at cops and torch more vans.”

Ollom was responding to Brooklyn Councilman Justin Brannan’s tweet, “In the middle of a deadly pandemic, we saw elected officials indiscriminately thrown to the ground and beaten with batons, bottles thrown at cops, and NYPD vans torched.”

The New York Post reports:

PBA President Patrick Hendry said Ollom’s hire is just the latest anti-cop outrage emanating from the Council.

“No wonder the City Council spends more time tormenting police officers than helping us stop violent crime – just look at the hardcore cop-haters on their team,” Hendrey said in a statement to The Post..

“This hate-filled individual who called for more attacks on police officers should be investigated and fired, but we know that won’t happen because the City Council only believes in ‘accountability’ for cops.”

Ollom previously was an organizer for the far left, marxist Working Families Party.


The origins of The Working Families Party, founded in 1988 by members of ACORN, the Communist Party USA affiliated Communication Workers of America Union (CWA) and the United Automobile Workers (UAW).

One of the key founders of WFP was Joel Rogers. Joel is a progressive activist who has been a strong advocate for the redistribution of wealth through Sustainability and the green agenda. In the early 90’s he co-founded a Democratic Socialist of America /ACORN/SEIU political group in Chicago called The New Party of which President Obama was a member.  He also founded the Communist affiliated Apollo Alliance, which wrote President Obama’s stimulus package. To top it off, the WFP and The Apollo Alliance are both funded by George Soros through The Tides Foundation. Which even helped to organize and support the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Ollom is so proud of her opinions, she has now protected her tweets.

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