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Trans Activist Claims To Be ‘More Female’ Than Martina Navratilova — The Tennis Great Returns Serve

  Trans-identifying activist India Willoughby claimed to be “more female” than women’s tennis star   Martina Navratilova   — and the tennis ...

 Trans-identifying activist India Willoughby claimed to be “more female” than women’s tennis star Martina Navratilova — and the tennis great was only too happy to return that serve.

The spat apparently began when Navratilova defended the use of the term “trans-identifying male” to describe a person who self-identified as a transgender woman.

“Trans identifying males is not a transphobic buzz phrase … but rather a biological fact,” she tweeted. “Also it makes it much easier to understand who is who and how they started. Where they end up can change, but biology doesn’t change. Ever.”

Willoughby took offense to that, claiming that the legal system concurred with her with transitioning genders, and accusing Navratilova of intentionally using “transphobic” language.

Calling someone a ‘trans identified male’ rather than simply a woman is about as transphobic as it gets,” Willoughby tweeted. “She knows what she’s doing and so do you. Navratilova is also wrong. Someone who transitions is factually and legally a biological female.”

“Biology absolutely changes. My body chemistry is more female than Martina’s. My anatomy is female. The fact Martina and other bigots refuse to acknowledge me or any woman who happens to be trans is deeply offensive. If it sticks in her craw so much, she shouldn’t be commentating,” Willoughby continued.

The tennis legend fired back at Willoughby’s claim, however, saying simply, “India never was, and never will be, female.”

The activist, who has also attacked author J.K. Rowling for defending biological women in the past, went on to claim that BBC Sport head Philip Bernie was “condoning” bigotry by allowing Navratilova to comment on the network.


The NHS – actual doctors – recognise me. They’re not confused. So why can’t Martina Navratilova? It’s bigotry and prejudice. By using Martina (and Sharron Davies) you are condoning it and disregarding the trans and LGBT+ community @PhilipBernie1. Be more Harry Kane,” Willoughby said.

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