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DNC Mocked For Climate-Killing Plan To Counter GOP Debate

  The Democratic National Committee took some heat on Tuesday for their reported plan to counter the first Republican primary debate with an...

 The Democratic National Committee took some heat on Tuesday for their reported plan to counter the first Republican primary debate with an airplane banner — a move which many critics pointed out was far from carbon-neutral.

According to a report from Politico Playbook, “The DNC has booked a plane to fly around Milwaukee on Wednesday night dragging a banner reading: ‘GOP 2024: A Race for the Extreme MAGA Base.'”

“‘The world is literally going to end in five years if you don’t give up your car, stove, refrigerator, oven, and washing machine.’ ‘Okay now we’re gonna fly this plane in circles around Milwaukee,'” Greg Price commented via X.

“Climate change is a national emergency except when we need to fly our lil plane around a bit as a treat,” Logan Dobson added.

“Very climate conscious of them,” was @neontaster’s response.

“They should go all in on the bit and have John Kerry copilot,” Danielle Butcher Franz joked.

Radio host Vince Coglianese took a different tack, joking, “Of course the DNC’s answer to the GOP debate is to throw a drag show.” He then added, “Seriously, though — looking forward to the @FreeBeacon piece on the carbon emissions of the DNC plane.”

In addition to the plane, the DNC has also reportedly commissioned at least one mobile billboard that will drive around near the debate venue “highlighting the records of the Republican candidates.”


Several stationary billboards have also been secured in the vicinity of Milwaukee’s Fiserv Forum, with at least one touting President Joe Biden’s record and two attacking GOP candidates over what the DNC has labeled “2024 Republicans’ MAGA Agenda.” Key issues appearing on the billboards will be a potential national ban on abortion and “tax giveaways for the rich.”

Biden’s team has also reportedly prepared a full-court press with regard to media, sending surrogates to multiple outlets including Fox News to defend the president’s record and attack Republicans.

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